Liam Allergic Reaction

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thank you for this idea BeautifulRain2020

No One's POV
"Happy birthday, Niall!" Louis exclaimed as the lads entered the room. It was day six of his medication trial, and though the doctors had a general sense of what types of medications were working, he was still having more seizures than anyone would have liked him to.
"Thanks Lou!" Niall said plopping himself into a chair next to Louis' bed.
"Hello boys," Nurse Sheila greeted, returning to the room with a cup of jello for Louis. He'd lost a bit of weight over the past few days he'd spent in the hospital, and the doctors were insistent that he needed to eat more, otherwise they would have to give him a feeding tube. It wasn't that he wasn't hungry, or that he even wanted to loose any weight, but rather that having so many seizures absolutely drained him, and all he wanted to do was sleep.
"We miss having you out at interviews with us," Harry said rubbing his fingers over Louis knuckles, holding his smaller hands. "Not as much excitement without you"
"Oh, Louis. I know you haven't really wanted to talk about him at all, but we've got Nialler a cake, and we thought we'd celebrate here with you, so we were wondering if Zayn could come in here? He's in the waiting room now" Liam said slowly, not sure how Louis would react
"This is a band celebration. If he doesn't want to be a part of the band then why should he be allowed here?" Louis retorted, putting his jello cup and spoon down onto the tray beside his bed.
"Louis, he hasn't left the band yet. He's not leaving until the album is out at least! And you know he's struggling and not enjoying himself. Come on" Niall begged, desperately wanting to include the Bradford boy in his birthday celebration - he looked at Zayn like a brother, after all.
"Fine. Whatever. Bring him in" Louis mumbled as Nurse Sheila placed the cup of jello back in his hand, and insisted that he ate it all.

A few minutes later, Zayn returned with Liam.
"Hey Louis!" He greeted as Louis fiddled with his spoon in the jello.
"Come on Lou. Be nice" Harry whispered and Louis rolled his eyes.
"Hi" He mumbled, not looking up from the little plastic cup in his hand.
"Alright, well um. How about we get to it?" Liam suggested
"Okay! I'll go grab the cake!" Harry said before getting up and walking out of the room.
"I'm really sorry man. I didn't mean what I said that day. I'm sorry" Zayn apologized sincerely
"Oh so you aren't actually leaving the band?" Louis asked
"No, Louis. You know that's not watch I meant..." Zayn said,
"I'm baack!" Harry announced as he entered the room, holding a box with Niall's birthday cake in hand. "So, we can't actually light any candles, buuut I've got some anyways. It's the thought that counts, I guess, right?"
"Haha yeah," Zayn said, laughing awkwardly in an attempt to move on from the conversation he and Louis were having just minutes before
"Do you have any plates Harry?" Niall asked
"Oops. Guess I forgot that, huh" Harry said
"I'll go grab some for you boys" Nurse Sheila offered

Once she had returned with paper plates and plastic cutlery, Harry sliced the cake, and she helped pass them around to the boys.
"Shall we sing?" Liam asked and the boys all nodded. "Okay. One... two... three... Happy birthday to you,"

Once the song had finished, the boys dug into their cake slices, and Harry, being the gentleman that he is, offered Nurse Sheila a slice.
"Mmm this is so good" Niall moaned dramatically, shoving another massive forkful of cake into his mouth
"It is" Louis agreed

A few bites into his slice, however, Liam began to notice an all too familiar tingle in the back of his throat. He thought he might be imagining things at first, so he cleared his throat a few times.
"You alright there, Liam?" Harry asked, and Liam looked up to see all the boys looking over at him
"Yeah. Yeah I'm okay. Do you know what's, um, in this cake?" Liam asked as he felt his throat beginning to close up
"Yeah, just the standard cake stuff, why?" Harry replied
"I um, think I'm having an..allergic reaction" Liam said before he raised his hand to his throat and began to wheeze.
Nurse Sheila immediately put her piece of cake down, and rushed to Liam's side, supporting him.
"I need a gurney in here!" She called out as Harry rushed over and helped her lower Liam to the ground. The others were as good as frozen.
"What's happened" A doctor asked as he knelt down and took Liam's vitals and two other nurses rolled a gurney into the room.
"Allergic reaction to something in the cake" Sheila said, as the nurses placed an oxygen mask onto Liam's face.
"Okay, I administer 1mg of epinephrine, and get ready to move him" The doctor ordered as Liam gasped for air
"You're alright Liam, you're okay" Harry said before he was ushered backwards, joining Louis, Niall, and Zayn.

They all watched helplessly as they injected Liam and then proceeded to move him onto the gurney and promptly took him out of the room.

Liam POV
Hand in my hand.

Hand in my hand.
Deep breaths.
Breathing feels good.

I came to for what felt like the hundredth time. My head felt much less foggy. And someone was holding my hand. They were holding my hand when I woke up before, I could remember. I squeezed their hand.
"Liam? Liam are you awake?" Niall asked, as he gripped my hand in my other hand.
It was his birthday. I remember that. And we were eating cake. Then I couldn't breathe. We were eating cake.
"Ni.." I whispered, feeling a bit breathless after just one word
"Hey Li," He said, and I felt him touch my hair. "Just keep breathing, okay?"
"Allerg..." I said
"Yeah, you've had an allergic reaction but they say you're responding well to the medicine and you're going to be fine" Niall assured me
"Can. I sleep?" I asked
"Yeah, just rest" Niall said quietly, squeezing my hand.

When I next woke up, I no longer had the oxygen mask over my face, and I was feeling much better. I opened my eyes.
"Li! You're awake!" Harry exclaimed, reaching for my hand
"Hey. Harry" I said and gave him a small smile.
"You feeling better, Payno?" Louis asked, and I turned my head to look over at him. He was sitting in a wheelchair beside Niall.
"Yeah. Did I have an allergic reaction?" I was trying to remember
"Yeah, you did. To the margarine in the icing. But they said you should be 100% fine in the next hour or two" Harry said and I nodded
"You gave us a right scare there mate" Zayn said
"Ya know, I've quite enjoyed this tough, Liam. I mean, I got to get out of my room for the first time in six days to come visit you in your own hospital bed!" Louis joked and everyone chuckled.

After two more hours of monitoring, the doctors were almost certain that Liam was fine, and would not suffer any more side-effects from his allergic reaction.
Louis was fairly disappointed to have to return to his own room though.

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