"You already recorded 3 songs for your first solo album. Now we need the ones you are writing, and the one with Yoongi. We think 6 songs will be enough. We, well you, will record some of Gemstones songs anew. They are too great, and technically they are yours as you were a part of Gemstones." Chun-Hei takes a sip of her water. 

"Next you need to do a couple of MV's. We need to find dancers, create new routines, but you will only create the ones for BTS. Yours will be by someone else. I hope you don't mind?" She asks me and I shake my head. 

"We also need to decide your look for your very first comeback as a solo artist. I'm afraid your hair needs to be cut again. Or do you want to have a hat as part of your style till it's grown longer?" She takes a sip again and looks at me, waiting for my answer. I really don't want to cut my hair. I hate this length, cutting it means I'll have this at some point again. 

"No cutting. So I'll wear a hat. That's not a problem right?" I ask her. She shakes her head smiling. "Well that's it for now. I'll send you all we discussed today with your schedule. And from now on you can ask Hwan any questions you have. I need to train him." She looks lovingly at him and his eyes soften when they land on her. 

Hwan gets up and hands me all the lyrics again for the Gemstones songs I need to record again. "There are some small changes so it's more suitable for just one person singing." He tells me. Next he gives me a memory stick, "the new songs of BTS." He tells me. I nod, putting everything in my bag. I say goodbye and leave Chun-Hei's office. 

I take the elevator to the fifth floor. I haven't danced in so long, BTS's new music is a great excuse. I enter a dance studio, dump my stuff and hook the memory stick to the sound system. The notes fill my body. I close my eyes and let the moves flow out of me. I do this for hours, and after a long time my stomach rumbles loudly I stop and check the time. 

It's almost 4 pm and I completely missed lunch. I plop down and catch my breath. I needed this, missing lunch tells me I missed dancing. Maybe going solo will help me get into a schedule where I'll be able to dance every day. And I'm curious what the new routines will be for me. And I do feel guilty. This will be the third time some songs will be worked on. 

When my breath is back to normal I gather my belongings and leave the studio. In the hallway I meet up with Yong. Chul-Moo isn't here. I don't dwell on it. He probably is with the car. That man loves cars I suspect. Always in or around mine. 

When I get out of the elevator in the parking garage, I see Hoseok walking a little ahead of me. I don't think about my shadow and rush to him, getting right next to him. I slide my hand in his and he jumps at the contact. His head turns to me so fast he must have cracked his neck. He's cute. 

"Oh Aqua. It's you. You scared me for a second." And he chuckles. I Squeeze his hand, "Did you have a great day?" I ask him. He nods, "I did. And how about you?" He stops and turns to me. We're at my car, and his is further along. 

"I discussed what will happen next. Did I tell you guys dad is disbanding the Gemstones?" I ask, thinking I didn't. He shakes his head, eyes big. "And what about you? I don't think your farther," and he pulls his face. Laughing out loud I look at him, "still weird?" I ask when he doesn't continue. 

He bites his lip, thinking. Thinking about what? I wonder. "To be honest yes. He's been my boss for so long it's weird, sorry. And I realize now we never interacted with him much, but now you're here we've seen him more than before you joined the company. He really does love you, doesn't he?" He asks me finishing telling me how he feels. 

I smile and nod, "yes he does. And I love him, even before he asked me. Not romantically but as a father figure." He nods his head staring at me. What is he thinking? I can't read his eyes, those beautiful eyes that usually laugh at you are intense now. They move very subtle, landing on all of my features in my face. What is he searching for?

Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Harem *TwoWhere stories live. Discover now