Beauty and the Beast- Chapter 4

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It's been about a week since I've been here and I'm bored out of my mind.

"Maybe you should go on a walk, darling." Lilac proposes. I shake my head violently.

"No! I want no chance available to run into that beast!"

"Oh dear." I hear her whisper. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Ugh! What can I do?

My eyes flicker as I sit up so fast I get light-headed. How could I have not thought of this before?

"Lilac? Does the castle have any instruments?"

"Why of course! Any instrument of your choosing!"

"Is there a piano?"

"The closest one is in the drawing room. Turn right, head down the stairs, first door on your left." She informs me. I grow uneasy. I was hoping one would be closer. At the same time though, this castle is so big, I doubt we'll run into each other in such a small trip.

I open the door and glance both ways before walking out. Light-footed and with intent, I reach the drawing room.

You could tell that the room was of little significance even before it deteriorated. The chandelier had shattered gems, the floor and walls was cheaply put together despite having such a rich owner, and the furniture was all a drab grey. I couldn't tell if it was so much dust or just the poor color choice, but the room seemed depressing, like there were ghosts here who did not want to be awakened.

The piano sits in a corner by the long, dark red curtains and has at least one layer of dust the height of a pencil. I wipe the piano off with my bare hands and then clap them together to see a whirlwind of dust escape them. I push the ugly curtains away and the sunlight spills in, immediately lightening up the room.

*play River flows in You by Yiruma for a better reading experience*

I have my hands gently run across the ivory keys, careful not to make a sound. They were freezing. I sit in the chair after another dusting session and lean over. My hands immediately find comfort as they find a position.

I press down, and then my fingers fly. The notes are beautiful as I play a song that my brother taught me. The melody was of sorrow yet hope, and I felt that this song was specifically composed for me in this exact moment.

I can't help but smile, which I have done so little in the past week. My fingers still remembering where to go perfectly even after such a long time. My brain floating away as the music whispers in my ears. Is this what it's like to be in utter bliss? To not have a care in the world? A luxury I have never been able to afford, until now.


There's a faint sound that reaches my eardrums. What is it? Has my brain finally decided to hum to itself out of insanity, or is this enchanting melody real?

I desperately run to find it and stop at a door. I could've sworn I had sealed it, locked away the painful memories that lurk in there. Yet somehow it has reopened itself, and a song that I had once thought would never play again was echoing in its walls.

My eyes search through the cracks. Does my mind decieve me? Is that Belle playing in there? I should be mad, infuriated that she dare open this room without so little as a warning, but I'm not. I'm intrigued. I didn't realize how desperately I wanted to hear these notes again until they plagued my ears now.

I stare at Belle. Her grey eyes closed in contempt, her black hair tied in a messy bun that will fall any second. She's happy, for the first time since I've met her.

Her eyes open, and we stare at each other, not breaking eye contact. The music refuses to stop playing as we search each other. I can't help but feel like I've seen those eyes stare at me a million times before, and my heart smiles as if the false memory was meaningful. Did a pair of eyes like her own really stare with love? Could I have once been lucky enough to experience such a passion?

No. Not me. Not the beast.

Walking away, I come to the conclusion that Belle is booming with joy because she isn't trapped inside the castle. Right now, she is free wherever she wants to be, without me.

Back at King Daniel's palace

The self-writing pen continues on. It is illustrating a group of cursed servants that just saw the exchange between Belle and the Beast.

"Come! We must make them talk!"

"But how? They hate each other."

"Did you see the way they looked at each other? Only people who are in love look at each other like that."

"Ok, then how do we make them realize this?"

"A dinner of course! Nothing will get them to loosen up better than delicious food in their stomachs."

The object servants set up the most glorious dinner and call for the beauty and beast. At the sight of each other, they wish to leave, but the objects have denied access to the doors out.

They sit down, as far from each other as possible. No one speaks as the first plate is served.

"Umm-so, I heard you playing the piano today." The beast starts.

"Oh, you did?"

"Yes! It was . . . interesting."

"Could you try uttering a real compliment for once!" Belle loses her cool immediately.

"I am simply speaking what I thought." The beast tries to respond in a calm voice.

"Well you didn't have to make it sound so flat!" No one chuckles at the angry music pun.

"I wasn't trying to! What more do you want from me?" The beast is no longer checking his temper.

"Some common courtesy would be a nice start!"

"I gave you a compliment!"

"You gave me a dead reply!"

"Would you like me to lie then!?"

"Its better than your attitude!"

"You opened up that room without my permission!"

"You don't even use two-thirds of this cursed castle!"

"Your in my debt!"

"I'm a captive!"


"Fine!" They both boom and leave the room in opposite exits. Doors slam across the castle.

Forgive MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora