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The Quartz sat around the table. They were an underground team who's job was to make sure the universe functioned correctly. There were three people from each realm in Quartz. The realms were Earth, What If, the Enchanted Forest, History, and the Cosmos. There are fifteen members total.

Each realm represents something different. Earth represents reality. What If represents the mind. The Enchanted Forest represents fantasy. History represents time. Cosmos represents the unknown.

Each member sat around the table. It was round and plain. Every now and again however, it would glow in the center a certain color that would represent a problem and what world it involved. Today, the table was glowing three colors. Blue for Earth, Green for the Enchanted Forest, and purple for Cosmos. A scroll magically appeared in front of the fourteen members, as one did each time the table glowed. The other member had mysteriously never showed up.

"Ah, a break up that fate did not predict." Stated a musician from the Enchanted Forest. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Earth kids, I swear are our biggest problem!" Projected an unknown species from the Cosmos. His scratchy voice breaking the other's from their scrolls.

"Maybe, but our job is to help them, not to judge them." Replied a wise young knight from History. "I remember this particular couple in our future records in History. Their record didn't say this." Continued the knight.

"And that's why the table is a third purple, because we don't know what'll happen next." Replied a NATO officer from Earth. She grew very concerned about the situation.

"But how is the Enchanted Forest tied into this?" Asked a Gypsy from What If. They were all silent, they didn't know the answer.

Just then, a bear burst through the big wooden doors. The fifteenth member had arrived. He wore a belt that carried many weapons and a feathered hat. He was obviously from the Enchanted Forest. "Quarg! How nice of you to finally show up!" Greeted a sarcastic scientist from Earth. All Quarg growled at the scientist, then spoke to the entire group.

"He needs to see us, in the place." He pronounced place as if it was forbidden. The Quartz all stood up, worry etched on their faces. They all followed Quarg through the many halls of the palace they were in.

This palace was in the center of the universe as well as the center of all the realms. And it was run by a king, King Daniel. He was kind, yet firm. He ruled with an iron fist, yet had mercy. The realms were under his rule. He has many names, Father Time, Mother Nature, God, all names that were given to him by mindless people in the realms.

The place, that they were going to, they had never went. It had been sealed by a different Quartz, long before them. King Daniel had ordered them to lock it and give him the key, so no one could use what was inside.

The Restorer. It was a blue ball with veins like it was made out of crystal, and the size of a head. With it, you could tip the entire universe, make it unbalanced. It had the power to do practically anything. Its purpose? Keep everything balanced, at all costs. Give people the future that was written in History. Keep Earth and the Enchanted Forest apart. Make sure Cosmos does not expand past its boundaries. And What If must not abuse it's mind power. It had been sleeping, for a thousand years, for the Quartz solved most of the problems, until now. It had awoken, it must give this couple the future that was written down. It must give them their happy ending.

The Quartz arrived at the room. King Daniel was already in there. His long red robes draping, his brown hair messy from stress. If you had seen him for the first time, you would say he looks surprisingly young and modern and looks like a commercial actor wearing a king costume. And there, in the middle of the room, was the Restorer. Awake and ready for its mission. King Daniel spoke without turning around.

"This is more serious than I had anticipated. If they don't get back together, the realms will be unbalanced. History will lose all records, and Earth will be in chaos. The Cosmos will take over too much land, and the Enchanted Forest will mix with Earth. What If will cease to exist, and all the realms will be at war."

"How could one break up cause all of that?" Asked an Emperor from History.

"This break up didn't happen naturally. Someone forced them too, to make sure the universe was unbalanced."

"Why?" Asked an alien from the Cosmos.

"I don't know. I also don't know who did this, and wether they were on Earth as one of the people who caused the break up, or used mind control in What If. All I know, is that getting this couple back together is the only way to stop them." King Daniel finished. He grabbed the Restorer, walked out the room, and to a nearby balcony. He tossed it into the air, where it flew and disappeared into the cloudy night sky.

"Enchanted Forest, keep an eye on this couple while they travel for their happy ending. Earth and What If, search for whoever is trying to unbalance the realms. History, help them by looking through records. Do whatever you can! The fate of the universe depends on it." The Quartz spread out in different directions, towards the exits for their realms.

King Daniel sighed. Underneath his breath, he whispered. "Forgive me Gloria. I have hurt you. Now you are taking your revenge."

Forgive MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant