Beauty and the Beast- Chapter 3

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The nice objects show me around the castle. Suddenly, I hear a booming thud. Some of the objects quiver while I step forward to investigate.

"Don't come any closer!" A deep voice threatens.

"Who are you? Have you seen my bro–"

"That is no business of yours." He warns, his breath reaching my face. I step back in fear, but then hold my chin up. I can't show him how scared I am. I need an advantage.

"Come into the light."

"I'd rather not."

"Come into the light! Stop cowering in the dark!" I yell. A foot slowly steps out, covered in rough fur. I raise an eyebrow. An arm reaches out with dirty claws, and then an entire being. I gasp and put a hand over my mouth. Whispering under my breath, "A beast."

"Is this what you wanted?"

"N–no! I, uh–you see." I stammer, trying to look anywhere but at the beast. He turns around and starts walking away. Afraid I'll lose my only chance to find my brother, I call out in desperation.

"Wait! Do you know where my brother is? He looks like me, about six foot, name is Joe." I stare into his beautiful blue eyes with one having a green vein, they almost seem familiar. Like a distant memory that I could never get back.

"Follow me." The beast orders. I obey and scramble to catch up. We roam the castle going up stairs and walking through corridors, until we reach a tower. All the way up are empty cells, but once we reach the top, I hear a voice that I instantly recognize.

"Joe!" I run to him. We reach and grab hands through the bars. "How dare you imprison an innocent man against his will?" I yell at the beast.

"Innocent? He tried to rob me."

"What could he possibly steal from you that would warrant this!"

"A rose. One that is very precious to me." The beast responds. I look at Joe. I have to keep pushing.

"The rose was meant for me, it was a request I made for him to bring me one." I sternly say, standing up.

"Request or not, this rose he tried to steal is worth my life!" He roars. I stumble back in fear. I look at Joe and how he's gotten skinnier. I've got to do something, for his sake.

"Take me instead!"

"Belle! No! My life isn't worth yours!" Joe shouts, but I refuse to acknowledge him and stare at the beast, straight in his eyes.


An hour later

I head up to my room based on the instructions the candle gave me. At least I have a room, I was totally prepared to stay in that cell for the rest of my days. This was unexpected.

I reach it and open the door. It was spacious and clean. Again, unexpected.

What are you thinking? Of course it's clean!

I spot the bed and flop on it. Its so comfy! The silky sheets and puffy mattress make me want to sleep instantly.


"Ahhhhh! Who's there?" I jump from the bed and grab the nearest thing for a makeshift weapon. Knowing this place however, I probably just picked up a person.

"Don't be alarmed darling, it's just me. Turn around! I want to see your face." Orders a feminine voice. I twirl around and discover my closet which is brought to life and talking.

"Oh my! What a beautiful girl!"

"Umm, hi?"

"Whats your name sugar plum?"

"Isl–I mean Belle." My instinct was to say a different name, how weird.

"Well Belle, I am your dresser–Lilac."

"I can see your my dresser, Lilac." I respond cheekily. She chuckles and shakes her head, or wood panels technically.

"No, I mean your dresser, like a stylist." She replies. She opens up her doors and ribbons twirl around me. Spools of thread dance and seem to be planning something.

"Uh, what's goin–"

"Shush! Do not disturb the process!" Lilac and the spools continue to discuss quietly, and then they nod in unison. This makes me nervous.

Ribbon twirls with no master and the spools start stabbing at the fabric that found its way around me. Soon, they fit me in the most gorgeous night dress I've ever seen.

"Oh! You look radiant, darling!"

"Thanks Lilac. You all have been so kind, unlike your master." I say, getting into bed.

"Oh dear, he just needs someone to help guide him. He's got a heart deep down."

"Oh please!" I get under the sheets. "That beast doesn't have a heart as long as I have a brain that functions correctly." I immediately bite my last few words, but I'm too tired to take them back. I yawn and immediately fall asleep as the softness of the bed consumes me.


I stand outside of Belle's door.

A beast eh? Well we'll see who's the real beast with due time.

I walk angrily away and into my room where the rose drops another petal. I cover my face with my hands.

Who am I kidding? I'll never convince her to love me, so what's the point of trying to not be a beast.

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