10 the last lap

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"On your marks... Set..." Kurt's heart was racing so fast he was so nervous. BAM! All the racers started running at a super fast pace. This time there was 12 runners and of course, as usual, Jake was in first. Kurt was running at a much greater pace he has been training in, but he was keeping up with the front group. They already ran 3/4 of a lap and it felt like 5 seconds for Kurt, he felt like he was sprinting. These guys were much faster than him. 1 lap done and Kurt was already falling behind the group, he dropped to eleventh.things weren't looking to good. 2 laps done and the guy behind him has started to pass him. Jake is way ahead of Kurt. Kurt's in dead last. And finally it was time. The last lap. Kurt felt like he couldn't take another step. But he thought "wait till the last lap, then go" he ran at a pace much faster than he usually does, it was almost a sprint. Eleventh place, tenth, Ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, fifth, he had half a lap to go. In 5th place, and still running much faster than the others. Jake was only 10 feet in front of him. 100 meters left. Jake was sprinting for the finish line. Kurt ran passed 3 guys at once, he was in second place. Much slower than Jake, less energy than him. He knew he was going to lose. But then he though "mom would be proud." At that point Kurt couldn't even feel his legs. He was running faster than ever before he was 2 feet behind Jake. Only 1 foot. With 30 meters to go. He passed Jake. Got a huge lead on Jake. But then he crossed the finish line. First place. His heart was thumping faster than before the race. He immediately fell to the ground. His legs were trembling. Mr. Roland ran up to him. Picked him up and shouted "YOU DID IT!" A huge group of people swarmed Kurt, he didn't know them. But they had a trophy. It was huge. It was 4 feet tall and had a golden statue of a guy running on the top. BAM! A confetti cannon went off. It was like a dream come true. He did it. His mom would be proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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