7 Road trip

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"Pack your bags Kurt, provincials is in 1 week." Said Mr. Roland. The race was yesterday and Kurt was so sore he could hardly walk, but he needed to get ready to go. He quickly put his toothbrush and clothes in a small suitcase and put it in the back of Mr. Roland's car. He hopped in the passenger seat and they started driving. "We need to go somewhere on the way ok Kurt?" "Doesn't bother me" replied Kurt. After about 3 hours of driving they parked in a parking lot. "Where are we?" Asked Kurt. "Sports heaven" replied Mr. Roland. When they entered it was this huge building with sections for every sport. Hundreds of different kinds of water bottles, skis, bikes and basically anything you could imagine for sports. They walked to the running section and Mr. Roland said "pick out any pair of shoes, don't worry about the price." Kurt was shocked, some shoes were 600$ but Kurt found ones that were black with a white Adidas logo. "I like these ones sir." "How much are they" asked Mr. Roland "200$" answered Kurt. They bought the shoes and got back into there road trip. After 2 hours they got there and checked into their hotel. It was a cheap hotel but they couldn't afford an expensive one anyways.

After a couple hours they decided to go watch the people at the track who were racing different races. They arrived there and watched sprinters and the long jumpers and all these crazy guys that were ridiculously fast and strong. Kurt was getting nervous watching them so they left and went back to the hotel. Kurt got back and immediately laid down and went to sleep. And Mr. Roland sat outside and read yesterday's paper. It seemed pretty calm. At 10:00 Mr. Roland decided to go to sleep even though the air conditioner didn't work and it was boiling inside, he still managed to get a good sleep.

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