8 Provincials

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"Today's the day, how do you feel Kurt?" Asked Mr. Roland. "I feel way to nervous, I race in an hour. These guys will be way faster then the last two guys I went against." Replied Kurt. "I just wish mom was here, she would be proud"

Mr. Roland and Kurt got in the car and drove to the track. It was only a five minute drive. Kurt got out of he car and started to warm up. And Mr. Roland saw the old track team he coached. Provincial champions of 1500 meters for the past 6 years. But he didn't mention it to Kurt. But Mr. Roland saw one guy on the team that made him nervous, Jake. 1500 meter runner and 100 meter sprinter. Fast and long distance runner. But he still didn't say a thing to Kurt.

"On your marks... Set..." BAM! Kurt had a gray start, 6th place just like he wanted. He kept 6th for the first 3/4 then he got passed and dropped to 8th, but he stayed up with the leading group. He didn't fall behind. 2 laps in he was in 8th place and 1st was way ahead of him. Kurt knew he had to speed up. Seventh, sixth. But then he stopped passing. He didn't wanna run out of energy. 2 1/2 laps and in 6th place. He was getting nervous he started speeding up. And finally. The last lap. Kurt took off. He didn't look at anyone but Jake. Fifth, fourth, third. He wasn't looking too good. But all he though was "wait till the last lap, then go." Last 100 meters, he started sprinting, he got to second place 50 meters left, Jake was fast but was out of energy. Kurt was closing in on him 3 feet, 2 feet, 1 foot. Inches away and they both crossed the finish line. It was so close, they had to look at photos and videos to see who won

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