3 Training

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A couple weeks later there was another practice, same thing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Warm up, coach shows up, work out, leave. Kurt showed up to all of them, but he only watched. The coach, Mr. Roland approached him after and said "Why weren't you out there, you have the talent, you are much faster than all of those guys" "I can't sir I've tried but it just doesn't work for me" Kurt said. "Put on ur running shoes right now Kurt, I'm going to get you back in shape".
"I can't sir, I just can't". "Yes you can Kurt"
Kurt decided to listen to Mr. Roland, he put in his shoes and went on the track. "K Kurt, I want you to do 3 laps for me".
Kurt started running but his lap times were ridiculously slow. "Ok Kurt, now that you've warmed up, I want you to give me 3 laps"
Said Mr. Roland. "But I just did..." "Now Kurt"
Kurt was mad and really wanted to punch him but, he listened and ran. "Ok Kurt I'm going to go inside now and I want you to do 3 laps, 3 minute rest and keep doing it until I get back.

About 3 hours later Mr. Roland came out and Kurt was about to pass out. "Ok Kurt, show me your progress". "Can't I do it later sir I'm about to die". "GET OUT THERE NOW KURT" Mr. Roland said furiously. Kurt did the laps but he did it much slower than the first time. "Go home Kurt tomorrow we will try again".

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