6 Qualifiers

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"That was terrible" said Kurt. "No you did exactly what I wanted you to do" Mr. Roland replied. "I got 8th". "8th isn't last is it?" asked Mr. Roland with a smile. "It still sucks" replied Kurt. "Well that was yesterday, today is a new day, you need to go do 3 3/4 laps and get used to that distance" Said Mr. Roland. "Ok coach" said Kurt.

After a couple more weeks of training a new race was just 3 days away, "this race you will be doing the same distance but you will do better" said Mr. Roland. The race is on another Saturday and Kurt was very nervous about this one. This race was going to be faster people, better trained people. "You need to place in the top 5 to qualify for provincials" said Mr. Roland. "Don't worry coach, i will"

The night before the race it was 3:00 am and Kurt couldn't sleep he tried everything. But he eventually dozed off, woke up at 9:00 and only got about 6 hours of sleep. Mr. Roland picked up Kurt at his house and they went to the track.
At 11:00 Kurt was warmed up and at the starting time. Same as usual "on your marks... Set..." BAM! The gun didn't startle Kurt this time, he didn't even hear it, his mind was too concentrated, he got a
Quick start and managed to get in the middle of the pack of guys. All the guys stuck to each other like glue. This races pace was much faster then the last race. But the first 3/4 of a lap were terrible for Kurt, he was boxed in by 3 guys, behind him wearing green, one beside him in red and yellow, and one in front of him in blue. Kurt was in 6th place but couldn't go anywhere, he tried to speed up but the words in his head "Wait till the last lap, then go" were preventing him from going. He had ran 1 3/4 laps and was stuck in 6th still by the second lap he saw an opening and took it, he went through the group and got up to 3rd place, he was losing his breath, it was 100 meters before the last lap. He was struggling, but he kept up with them, the guys in last 3 places were far behind. Running the pace of the race before. It was finally the last lap. It felt like an eternity for Kurt. But he made it, 3rd place, last lap. Kurt started speeding up, but the guy in 1st had a huge lead on him. Kurt got past the second place guy and was trailing the first place guy. 200 meters left Kurt was catching up, but by the 150 meter mark, he just couldn't push himself anymore. His muscles were collapsing. He was slowing down, the guys behind him were catching up. Third place. Fourth place. Fifth place. Sixth place. Then Kurt thought "you need at least top 5 to qualify for provincials" so Kurt, pushed himself, his muscles felt like they were going to explode. But he was sprinting a very fast speed. Fifth place, fourth place. Then he crossed the finish line. Mr. Roland jumped up in glee and rushed towards Kurt "You did it! You're going to provincials."

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