4 Surprise

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For the next 2 months Kurt went out to the track everyday with Mr. Roland and Kurt ran laps until 10:00 every night. But one day Mr. Roland stopped him and said "The reason you do this Kurt, is because you have potential, sure your friends are fast, but you can run way faster than them, and I want you to understand that". "Thanks coach, it's good to hear, but can I stop early today, I need some good sleep for school tomorrow" Kurt replied.
"Go right ahead" Said Mr. Roland.

The next day Kurt woke up but he forgot to set his alarm, it was 8:30 and he had to be at school to take a test at 8:45, if he was late, he would get a zero on his test. So he panicked and woke up his dad and got him to drive him to school. It was a safe quick drive and Kurt didn't miss any school. But after school he was back on the track. But today, Mr. Roland told him he wasn't running today, he needed rest for his race tomorrow. Kurt wasn't ready for a race, but Mr. Roland signed him up for a 1500 meter race. But Kurt wasn't ready to run a distance race, 1500 meters was 3 3/4 laps around the track, and Kurt was hardly able to run 3. But Mr. Roland thought he was ready.

The Last LapOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora