"Good morning, sunshine.", speak of the devil. The purplehead gave Denki a short kiss on his temple. "Why didn't you wait for me in the dorms?"

"Err... I peeked in your room and saw that you had one of your few sleeping days. I didn't want to wake you up sooner than needed..."

Another kiss, this time on the blonde's knuckles, Kaminari giggled whilst Jirou walked by and made fake gagging noises. One by one the rest of class 1-A dozily arrived and pleasant chatter filled the room. Then a perfectly styled up set of red hair and a grumpy dirty blonde came through the door. With a wide grin Kirishima took his place behind Denki: "Yo, mornin', Kami! Let's ace this test today! Katsuki tutored me until we fell asleep on the bed, so this time I might be good..."

The blonde gaped back at him before panic hit him: "We're having a test today?"


Today was a weird day, it felt dreamy, with thoughts somehow floating around ... so you didn't straight away register how whiny Sparky was today at the squad lunch table. No, as you sat on your usual spot on the roof to check on your soulmates, the clouds were somehow way more interesting today than sharp red eyes or shark smiles...

"Ha! I knew I would find you someday!"

You jumped, looking to the door, where the girl from your class stood with a proud smile. Dang it. She was sweet, really, but you would rather spend lunch break alone to fully relax for next school class... Well, that was over. Giving her a hesitant smile, you waved at her: "H-hey, Ko... Kosa... err..."

"It's Kozakura! Takahashi Kozakura! Don't worry, I know Japanese is difficult for you! I mean, you heard me reading English today, it was pretty bad, too...", a understanding smile showed her dimples. Huh, cute.

Ah, now you know who she reminded you! She had a similar sunny attitude like your sharky soulmate, even her crooked grin looked like his ... man, you fell deep for him. Absentmindedly, as you were today, you turned around and looked at the boys bickering during their lunch time.

Huh, when Bakugou turned his head to the left, a dark hickey on his neck appeared, barely hid under his collar. A small blush crept on your cheeks watching them. They are happy, that's what's most important.

"Hello, earth to Y/N! Hey, I know I'm not that interesting to spend time with but come on!"

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, my attention span isn't the best today..."

Kozakura huffed and sat down beside you. "Where were you lookin' anyways- L/N Y/N! Don't tell me you have a crush on our hero students! Who is it?" She obviously followed your gaze and found the Bakusquad sitting in perfect sight from here.

And her conclusion is terrifyingly spot on! Plus the mischievous curious eyes when she sniffed gossip - Oh joy...

"Please", you waved off, "Just because you can see them from here? How about I like the sight over the town from here?"

With her pouting and a raised brow you knew she wasn't buying it. But thankfully she didn't poke any further. But you better watch your actions from now on, her eyes were hungry for information. She did not seem like the girl screaming rumors from the rooftop – the irony – but one to surely tease you with it.

For now, you chatted about your class instead and learned about the classmates' latest attempt to bake eclairs last evening and the disaster they made in the kitchen. A funny Youtube video of Ectoplasm's karaoke failure singing 'Shining Lights'. And Koza patiently – not without giggling – taught you some more complicated Japanese terms you still didn't get.

Then the bell rang and you were surprised how quickly the time flew. Quickly, you threw another glance at your soulmates, wishing them a good day, you'd see them tomorrow again. But you should check on Kaminari, he looked sad today. His smile didn't reach his eyes...

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