Chapter 16

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Blocked by a nagging Recovery Girl stood a bunch of people. There was Aizawa in front, closely followed by a female U.A. student the boys didn't recognize and two bulky guys in suits. Clearly cops.

The door's sudden bang made Kirishima jump up, unintentionally throwing Bakugou off his lap. Who reflexively blasted off a small explosion.

Huh? What? What was going on? What now? Couldn't they have just one fricking quiet time at last?

Even Iida and other injured patients shot up in their beds, looking around in confusion. But Y/N didn't stir. Good, let her sleep.

Goddammit Katsuki, be careful for crying out loud! I get that you're agitated, I am, too. ...but Y/N sleeps the sleep of the just. Despite this noise, impressive.


Their homeschool teacher gave them a tired look: "Bakugou, calm down. No one is meaning any harm here."

The fiery blonde is having none of it, cussing the intruders to hell and beyond. But Kirishima remembered how Aizawa helped to defend Y/N. "Kats, wait a sec... Sensei, what is the meaning of this?"

However, in the back of his head there was still the image of Aizawa and Y/N on the back courtyard... As their teacher was about to explain, a purple and a blonde head peeked up behind the little group at the door.

"The fuck? Pikachu, why did you let them in? Sudden fucking change of mind?"

Holding his fuming boyfriend back, Kiri did also wonder. Earlier Kaminari had been worried sick for Y/N, so how...?

Said blonde chuckled and sheepishly scratched the back of his head: "Hey guys. So, uhm ... this is a little awkward."

"Ya think, dunce?"

"Katsuki." The rant stopped at once, Kiri really was Bakugou's weak spot. Instead, the grumbling boy turned the chair to face the intruders, sat on it and glared at them, daring them to come nearer to the bed.

Okay, so that was that. But Kiri took an extra step, squared his shoulders and positioned himself in front of both his soulmates. He is the shield here, after all.

"So, Kami, why did you let them in here?"

Despite Kirishima's not so discreet stab, the blonde electric boy answered without hesitation: "Well, it's complicated but what I understood, they don't want to arrest Y/N but rather help her."

Red and blonde eyebrows were raised in disbelief. Oh were they now? I pretty much remember every second mere hours ago where we had to fight to get her damn treatment...

Suddenly, Recovery Girl stomped her cane onto the ground to get everyone's attention: "I see that this might be an urgent matter, but this isn't the best place to discuss delicate things."

They all looked around: Every person in the sickroom besides Y/N watched them.

"I agree", Shinsou replied, "We should take this outside and let them rest. Kirishima. Bakugou."

But they didn't move. There was something shady about it. Leaving her alone was too risky now, with so many people going after her today. Nope, not happening, they didn't trust this. All the more because they swore to finally protect her.

The blonde beside him scoffed: "After today with teachers banging their fucking heads I think they rather want to know the whole thing. As do we. So, whatever you have to discuss, you can do it fucking here."

Seeing him frowning, Kirishima could see their teacher also got some remaining questions about this ... confrontation. It felt like a future conflict in U.A. school policy was looming. Then, Aizawa nodded and decided to take over this conversation.:

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