Chapter 2

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Soft snores filled Bakugou's ears, mostly his right ear where a certain redhead rested his head on his shoulder. They sat on the couch, enjoying their Friday movie night session with the Bakusquad.

This time it was his turn to choose the movie, so he specifically chose the Deadpool series, knowing it was less vanilla than the movies they usually watched. At times, it was weird when they noticed the striking similarity with a certain League of Villain-member.

Didn't make the movies less hilarious. Their laughter hollering so loud, Iida had to come down scolding them for the fuss at late hours. Sero wheezed for air, uncontrollable tears destroyed Mina's make-up and even Shinsou snickered the whole time. In the end, the Bakusquad were exhausted, every one of them falling asleep in front of the TV. Even Mindfuck went out like a light tonight. Except Bakugou.

The blonde was so deep in thoughts, he didn't even realize Kaminari rolled over onto his lap. With a scoff, Bakugou pushed Pikachu off to lean on his purplehead boyfriend. Causing Kirishima to stir, so the blonde held still to let him fall back asleep. The common room was now completely dark and deserted apart from the group on the couch, the TV buzzing and showing some Netflix ads.

Huh, might've probably dozed off a bit... and fucking ruined my neck on this stupid couch. Ow...

The blonde sighed and looked around: He was indeed the only one still awake. So weird, considering his usual sleep schedule.

He glanced on his phone, bright letters saying 1:30 a.m., then noticed his soulmarks peeking from under his sweatband on his wrist. Talking about the issue not giving him the sleep he needed!

How long had he been so irritated at fate for gifting him not one, but two extras he had to deal with during his ambitions to become the next number one hero. Fuckers would drag me down, he thought back then. But after getting Kirishima as one of those soulmates, the blonde changed his opinion. Strange, how this person would not be a burden like other people, but support him.

But this whole soulmate thing... he did not fucking know what to think about it. The appearance of soulmarks was still a rather new thing and sometimes he was thankful for being one of the few chosen. But at other times, it was like a damned curse!

The sweatband was pushed down to fully show the marks. A crack, similar to shitty hair's quirk, and an encircled cross. Earlier, he got curious and tried to find the meanings of the marks, since at least one of them looked like a symbol. Turned out it was the symbol of this flippin' planet. Fucking great, what was that even supposed to mean?

A soft yawn made Bakugou chuckle, pulling the blanket higher over his red dumbass cuddling against him. At least one of them wasn't as worried and could get some sleep.

Still, there was someone fated to them they could not find. Supposedly, soulmarks appear on people who would meet each other some day in their life. There was no example of soulmates not being able to find each other. Then, they were only in the second generation of this phenomenon, so he doubted they would know everything about it already. Heck, they were still discovering new forms of soulmarks each new month.

And those fucking blood drenching emotions two years ago... shit, I'm not sure if I want to blast the hindrances of our mysterious third to the moon or himself! I mean, I'm no pussy, I had my own mental battles with doubt, fear and anger. But damn...

His own insecurities sometimes still haunted him in his now rare nightmares, but he managed to live on and work it out. So maybe, judging by their soulmate's now calm state, he was able to get past his dark stuff, too.

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