Troubles in Seattle (Hessa)

Start from the beginning


"What? You can't see another man touching me?"

"You're lying. You are drunk and you are saying stupid things!" He is really angry and I think I should stop.

"Fuck you, Hardin."

"I will fuck you as soon as you open this fucking door!" I hear a loud knock in the house. Oh, fuck. He is here. He is insane?!

"What the fuck?!"

"Open the door, now! And don't make me to wait because I will call Christian and he will come here, Tess. So, be a good girl and open this fucking door."

"Fine!" I yell and I take my night robe and I go to open the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Don't yell at me, Hardin. Kim and Christian are sleeping."

"And I don't care if they are sleeping!" He closes the door and he comes closer to me.

"What do you want, Hardin?"

"You, I want you!"

"If you would want me, you would come here, with me! But you said you had nothing here. I'm not enough for you, Hardin! And if you can't keep the distance, it doesn't help any of us! We can't have a long-distance relationship and you can't keep playing with my feeling in this way."

"I am the one who is playing with your feelings?! You are doing this! You are saying things that makes me mad!"

"Why are you here?"

"Because you have my heart."

"And what do you want? You want to move on and to end this?" I say with a low voice. It was the last time when I drunk.

"For fuck sakes! No! I don't want to end anything, Tess. I want you and I don't want to move on us. I want to be with you... But you being apart, it's not helping!"

"So... you want to move here?"

"I don't know." He looks down and he groans. "What are you wearing?"

"Uhm... Nothing." I try to not show too much skin. Sex is the last thing I want right now. "Can we go upstairs and talk?"

"Yeah. Let's talk." I slowly go to the stairs and then I feel his hand on mine and I can't keep my smile. He wants me as much as I want him, but we can't continue to fight every time we're apart. We enter in my room and he locks the door.

"Why did you lock the door?"

"We don't want to be interrupted." He says while he takes off his jacket and he let it to fall on the floor.

"By who? Everyone is sleeping."

"Don't change the subject, Tess. We have to talk about us."

"Us... Yeah, right."

"Can you tell me why you did this?" He sits on my chair and I sit on the bed. It's better to keep the distance, but I don't think we can do this.

"I did what?"

"You went out with him..."

"You don't have the right to be jealous, Hardin. We just went out as friends."


"Yes, friends!" He pissing me off! I stand up and I go to him. "You really think that's I would cheat on you?" I sit onto his lap. "I only love you, Hardin. And I would never do this to you. I know we have a hard time because you don't want to move here, but you are the only man in my life. Understand?"

"If you want me here, you have to stop seeing him."

"Excuse me?!" I laugh at his stupid ideas. What the fuck is wrong with him?!

"If you want me to move here, you have to stop being friend with fucking Trevor!"

"You are stupid, Hardin. Very stupid!" I stand up and I try to not yell, I don't want everyone to know that me and Hardin are fighting. "I want you to leave."

"What?" He stands up and he is very angry, again.

"You can't tell me with who I can be friends or not, ok?! I am old enough to take decisions and I don't need your help."

"Tess... I don't like him."

"And what if you don't like him?!"

"I don't want him near you!"

"It's not that, Hardin. It's just the fact that you don't trust me!"

"I trust you, I really do!"

"Then let me to be friend with whoever I want!"

"I don't trust him, Tess. It's not the first time when he tries something with you and I don't want to lose you!"

"And you are not going to lose me!" I take his face between my hands. "Like I said, you are the only one I love, ok? No one else. You are the one for me, Hardin. And you have to trust me first, if you want this to work between us."

"I'm sorry for being stupid."

"You are my stupid boy." I smile.

"I love you, Tessa."

"I love you too."

"Don't say too, please." He kisses me.

"I love you."

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