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Aleksander finally caught Ravenna

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Aleksander finally caught Ravenna.

Ivan looked at Ravenna who was dragged by Aleksander, it seemed that he had found her. But both her and him didn't look like they were in a good mood. It seemed that they both hadn't talked yet and Ivan was not looking forward to the screaming. Ravenna's power tended to go haywire when she was mad and he didn't want to be a victim.

"They stole-"

"I know," Aleksander said, gripping tightly into Ravenna's forearm.

"It was the thieves," David said while standing up. Poor David, the troublesome trio must have pushed him out of the carriage. Hopefully, they pushed him nicely. It was the least her annoying little adopted brother could do after she saved him.

"I'll find a horse and I can catch up to them," Ivan offered. 

"No, it's a waste of time. She's not with them. She's on her own," Aleksander said. "Wondered how that happened while this one gets caught," he gestured towards Ravenna who just frowned at him.

"Our priority now is to locate her as quickly as possible," he stared at Ravenna whilst saying that.

David raised his finger and Ravenna saw it, she didn't understand why Genya liked him. She gestured at Aleksander to look at David when she noticed that he was still staring at her.

"You don't need to put-" Aleksander started but just sighed when he realized it was fruitless. "Yes, David."

"Well, Genya gave her a ring, courtesy of Ravenna. Thank you for that plan of yours. Made of pure iridium, not native to Ravka. So when we get within one mile of her, I can direct us," David said while gesturing around with his fingers.

Aleksander looked pleased with the revelation and couldn't help but smile at the intricate plan Ravenna had to develop in case of kidnapping. It did work in his favor, after all, maybe this was why she was his favorite.

"Well done," he said to David and Ravenna. "Proving again the many uses of a Durast," he directed that to David who looked giddy that he was praised.

"We need to leave. But the lady and I will have a little talk first," Aleksander frowned deeply at Ravenna who glared back at him.

How dare he get mad at her when he was the one who kissed other people. How would he like it if she kissed David?


Ravenna couldn't believe that they were walking towards the Druskelle area and it was snowing. She was cold but admiringly, Aleksander was still nice enough to offer her his cloak which she accepted. Now he was walking in the cold without it, she hoped Ivan did something to warm him up.

Aleksander saw the mark on the trees and followed them, realizing that they were Alina's mark for Ravenna. The situation regarding the sun summoner had become complicated, it would be much easier if she did have feelings for him. But maybe now he could use Ravenna to threaten her.

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