08. - girlfriend and jealousy

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Ravenna looked out the window as the rain trickled down the moist glass of the windowpane. It had been a month since she was brought to the little palace by the General and not even a single minute was enjoyable.

With a deep heavy sigh, she stared at the man who was sitting at his desk doing something she didn't know of. She eyed him carefully, her eyes studying his form from head to toe, trying to soak up every detail. The General was an unbelievably handsome man, she couldn't lie. If he was not her captor, she was sure that she would be completely and utterly enraptured by the man.

"What am I doing here?" she asked, crossing her arms in annoyance. "You said you're going to train me from now on. Are we going to?"

"We are," he replied, looking into her deep brown eyes. "I'm training your patience first."

"Is that your way of telling me that I have a short-temper?" she exclaimed. "If that's how you treat women, no wonder you have no girlfriend."

The General took a long, purposeful stride towards her, "That's not why I don't have a girlfriend." he shrugged his broad shoulder nonchalantly. "How about you? Why don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Because I like to be independent and haven't found the right one yet," she laughed as he tried to change the topics. "But enough about me. If it's not because of your manners towards women, why don't you have a girlfriend then?"

"Because she likes to be independent and hasn't realized that the right one is standing right in front of her."

"Yeah, that's a good one buddy." she scoffed at his words, in addition to the blush that she had fought to keep at bay. "Now are we going to train or what?"

Aleksander shook his head at her response. Guess he has to seduce her harder then.

"So tell me more about your power? Fear isn't it?" he backed away from her. "How does it work?"

"I could push someone into an everlasting nightmare by showing them their worst fear. I am not sure where my ability comes from but if I have to take a guess, it probably derived from the darkness since my ability worked best in the dark. I still can use it in broad daylight, it is just not as powerful. So there's that," she replied, showing her now glowing hand to the General. "

My hands will glow black and a black mist will twist around my finger., The black mist was the one that will influence the nightmares so I have to be close enough to the person to unleash my black mist onto them," she continued.

Aleksander nodded at her explanation, "And what can your fear do? Just making them feel scared?"

"Just making them feel scared?" she repeated, mockingly. "I can bruise their heart and scar their mind. I can destroy them in the most beautiful yet horrifying way possible. The longer my power stays on them, the more horrifying their nightmare gets and the more tenacious the fear is. As their fear gets stronger and stronger, you will watch their life pass by and how horrible they will be on the brink of death. So what do you think? Does it only made them feel scared?"

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