1 ~ Good News, Bad News

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Months Later

Everyday is a new beginning if you let it

"Okay, okay. What is the most groundbreaking invention of all time," I watch as the blond boy in front of my leans back in his chair.

"A shovel," Carmen and I answer without a second thought.

"Come on," he jokingly slams his hand down on the table. A few blond hairs fall in front of his light blue eyes.

"It was a shit joke, admit it," the other boy speaks. Light brown hair, dark brown eyes. Eyes that hold passion, fire, desire. A dangerous combo with a dangerous smirk.

"Shut up you didn't even know the answer," the blond boy in his black jacket shoves the brunette. They shove back and forth until they tip over their chairs and wrestle on the ground.

"Everyday," Carmen sighs dramatically. She gestures her hand towards the boys staring at me with a stern look. I groan getting up and walking over to the two dumbasses.

"Dylan! Tristan! Get your ass off the ground," I say calmly. Feels like I'm yelling in lowercase at these two. They ignore me continuing to fight.

"You can come over to my place," I sigh and cross my arms. They both immediately push off each other and scramble on the ground attempting to get up. Once they do they stand in front of me fixing their clothing.

"Yo what's going on," a new voice enters. We turn around to see Zach walk in with his arm linked around Jenny's shoulders.

"We are going to Charm's tonight!" Dylan gloats running a hand through his brown hair.

"Yes! You're the best," Zach releases Jenny and puts his hand in the air. I high-five him, rolling my eyes as we sit back down.

"Of course I'm the best. Who else would be, Tristan," I snort jokingly.

"I'll have you know. I'm the second best," Tristan points a finger to me before pushing a few blond hairs back with his other hand. He's kind of like a young Leonardo DiCaprio. His doppelgänger.

"In your dreams hun. Also you can't come over tonight we have training. Tomorrow or Saturday," I correct. They nod before we turn to Jenny and Zach. Occupied by eating each other's faces. We throw fries at them right as the bell rings. The PDA in their relationship is astonishing.

We get up and throw out our scraps on the way to our lockers to talk for a bit about this weekend. With a few minutes left till the bell we say goodbye and I make my way to math with Dylan. Of course like always the second bell rings and now we are officially late. Not our fault math class is all the way on the other end of the school.

"Mr. Davis is going to kill us," I mumble, annoyed.

"Come on," Dylan takes my hand, dragging me to math class. We enter and Mr. Davis stares at us with a harsh look.

"What's up Davy!" I shout walking to the back of the classroom. Dylan follows and we ignore the stares. We sit down in our designated seats we always sit in. The back corner.

"Detention is what is up Miss. Knight," Mr. Davis replies. I roll my eyes as the class breaks out in laughter. Dylan leans back in his chair watching the class in front of us. One of his arms goes over the back of my chair and the other fiddles with a pen.

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