Chapter 90- Holiday Spree

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You stayed seated quietly, just letting All Might's voice sink into your skin. Ever since you met Katsuki, you attempted to take on every burden...every obstacle and endeavor on your own. Katsuki was more than capable of handling the weight of the world too...he deserved that type of trust and respect especially after he's proven time and time again that he's more mature than anyone gives him credit for. 

"I'll talk to him about's just a lot..." Your breath was airy and your voice was tired. It felt like you haven't gotten a break in ages, and you just wanted more than anything to not think about the world being a fucked up place. 

"I get it." All Might suddenly smiled as if he had an idea. "Say...(y/n)...have you gone holiday shopping yet?" His bright blue eyes glowed like they used to, and his pearly teeth gleamed in the warm morning light. 

"Holiday shopping? For what?" Your expression was filled with honest confusion and All Might's heart stopped.

"W-wait you seriously never celebrated any holidays like Christmas?"

"Well, I mean..." you scratched the back of your head in embarrassment before chuckling. Growing up in the Shini Mountains made you painfully aware of what items were considered luxuries and necessities. The All Might doll you treasured so much was merely a single luxury in a bounty of necessities, so the notion of holiday gifts or even birthday presents were practically foreign to you. "I don't think so."

All Might stood up and started racing towards the kitchen to put away his empty cup. Like a child on sugar, he was bouncing all over the place to quickly prepare for the day.

"We need to get a move on Young (y/n)! No daughter of mine is going to miss Christmas if I can help it! Come on and get dressed!"

It was there sitting cross-legged with your clean hair, fuzzy pajamas, warm blanket, and the veil of sunlight that cascaded through the window and into your creamy cup of coffee that you realized perhaps this was the type of bliss you have been fighting so hard for.


"Well good mornin' sunshine! I'm happy to assist my bestie with whatever shopping needs she desires! Right, Eri?" 

You and All Might met Mirio and Eri at the mall where it was agreed upon you would receive help picking out Christmas presents for the people in your life. You gave your friends gifts before, but there was a spirit and a sense of magic within people for this particular holiday. It was all new to you, but you were willing to participate in what your friends' celebrated if it meant you were able to spend time with them.

"Hi Eri!" You chimed with the happiest grin on your face. The little girl beamed just from looking at you and her little legs ran with vigor until you lifted her up in your arms. Round candy apple colored eyes glowed in glee from knowing she would not only get to see you, but would also get to enjoy a day around the mall. 

"Big Sissy! I missed you so much! Did you miss me too?" She asked with a level of purity you wouldn't be able to replicate even if you tried. Mirio wanted to cry from how adorable she was, and did you. Just a little bit.

"I always miss you, Eri! And I missed you too Mirio! How are you? Both of you." All Might was wearing a thick navy blue puffy jacket and gloves due to the December cold, and Eri was also just as bundled up. Her long silvery-white hair billowed under a knit pink and red hat while she wore a matching red coat that could have been mistaken for a winter dress. She was absolutely adorable and it made you want to purchase every damn dress in this mall if it meant making her smile. All Might gave Mirio a nod and a smile in greeting before the young blond hero gave the two girls a group hug. 

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