"Okay you have permission to use your quirk when you're with me and when there are no heros around and you see someone in dire need", I nodded my head and he spread out his wings, "let's go. You can make your own wings right?", I nod again and make my own set of wings out of light.

We bother flew into the sky. We were just gliding "So how's it feel Zuku?", I frowned at the new nickname but went along with it cus if felt great in the sky, "it's great. I don't even feel the cold, I just feel...", "free", he finished my sentence.

(Yes I stole that from a movie and since I'm not sure how copyright works, I'm not gonna put the name)

"Yeah", I agreed. We flew around for about 20 minutes and he showed me a few stunts and things then we went to a KFC, got some chicken and went to a really tall building to eat our lunch.

"So what're we gonna do", I ask. He shrugs and says, "I guess you'll just come along with me during patrols and stuff."I start dangling my legs off the side of the building.

"You in a relationship?", he asks, "well that was random. Yes, I'm in a relationship.", he leans back. "Cool ", I lean back too. "Is he nice", I let out a breath, "he's the best." He smiles.

"What about you? You like anyone?", he shook his head, "not really, oh I'm gay", my eyes light up, "that's so great, almost all the guys I know are gay and they're super cool" he laughs a little, "that's nice kid" I pout and say, "I'm only like 7 years younger than you", he ruffles my hair.

"You're the first person that I've come put to", I smile, "thanks, it feel like everyone is coming out to me"  that piqued his curiosity, "how many people have done it now", "well you're the third, the first was my brother and the second was my friend, but he doesn't want anyone to know yet so I wont tell you his name", he nods.

"Thanks for being so accepting Zuku", I hug him, "it's what everyone should do."I say, cus it really is, Homophobes are disgusting.

We eat our chicken and go to his house. "Hey, shouldn't I be staying at your agency?", he was in the kitchen, "yeah but I get really lonely here so I thought we could hangout", I giggle a little and put my bags in the guest room.

I change into my hero costume and we head out for patrol. We stopped a mugging and a store robbery but other than that it was pretty calm. Then we heard a loud boom, we flew in the direction of the commotion and found a hostage situation in a mall. It gave me flashbacks.

Hawks asked me to stay back  but I went along with him because I was stubborn. We saw the culprits taking all the money from the cash registers while the victims were rounded up in and corner with no exit anywhere.

I analyzed the situation and looked at Hawks, "okay I'm gonna make this super simple, I'm gonna make barriers around all the visible villains but we'll have to fight if there are more in hiding", he nodded his head and I did as promised.

I made a barrier around all the villains that I could see and panic started to arise. They were all yelling at me to let them out, Hawks was fighting a straggler which he finished up pretty quickly. The hostages started to stand up but then I heard a gunshot.

'Bang' another one. I looked in the direction of the noise and saw Hawks with two holes in his chest, just barely missing his heart. So many things went through my mind.

'What happening'

'How didn't he dodge that'

'Why didn't I sense him"

'Who is he'

"Oh you're that kid...the one from UA", I took a careful look at the man in front of me. He had blonde hair, he was wearing a white shirt with a  plain blue jacket and jeans. He had a tattoo of an eye on his left wrist and he had the number, '73' tattooed on his neck. He walked to Hawks before he could get up and but his foot on his bleeding chest. I heard a grunt from Hawks.

"Stop!!", I yell, but he made no movements to take his foot off of the hero. "What's a kid doing here?" I clench my fists and say, trying not to let the panic leak into my voice completely failing, "I'm interning with the hero under your foot", he chuckled and pushed the leg he had on Hawks into his wound. Receiving another grunt and a shuffle.

'Why isn't he using his feathers?'

"Could you please let him go", he started laughing, "is this your first time in this kind of situation?", i was gonna make him think I'm some cocky brat but now I'll make him think that I'm some kind of rookie,

"please, just let him go" he chuckled and said, "and if I don't? What'll you do, cry?" I force myself to make tears come to my eyes and start stuttering, "s-sir pl-please", he let's his guard down and relaxes his grip on his gun.

Big Mistake.

I made a bubble of obsidian around his face and while he was freaking out over the loss of light I kicked him in his jaw, he didn't fall but he lost his balance. I hit the pressure point in his neck and he was out cold, I kicked his gun away and made a barrier around him just incase.

I ran to Hawks and healed him as best I could, he was completely healed but they would scar. I was a little tired but it was nothing an energy bar wouldn't fix. "Shit dude, thanks", I smiled and said, "no problem", I took an energy bar from my utility belt and ate it, i gave some to Hawks too cus he seemed tired.

We went to the hostages and none of them were injured except for a few scratches and bruises here and there.

The police came and took the villains away, I was bombarded by press once they found out that I took out the villain. Thank god Hawks was there cus I could use my quirk, I made my wings and flew away.

After a minute I called Hawks and asked him if I could fly around for a bit, he gave me permission so I was just relaxing in the air. That's when I got a phone call from dad.

"Hey" I said, there was a pause,

"I left you alone for less than a day and you got into a hostage situation"

I know it sucks. Sorry for the terrible chapter.

I hope Hawks's personality is fine.

Thanks for reading.

1857 words

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