SMUT WARNING Canada x Russia boyxboy i have sinned

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I'm sorry. I have sinned but I was horny and bored and created this over the course of an hour and a half.

Anyways as a precursor they got married eariler that say and now they are in the hotel room that might still very excited about the fact that they are finally married. Also there is only like one or two pretty wholesome kinks in this cause they be my cute boys.

Okay the more I'm writing it the more kinky it's getting. It's still wholesome and cute but I forgot some shit.

The Kinks: Praise Kink(Canada). He just liked being loved and praised and yeah he can find it kinda hot in steamy situations.
Voice Kink (Canada). He just got a thing for the deep smooth voice Russia has. What can I say?
Master Kink (Russia/Canada). Canada liked calling Russia master to show that Russia is totally in control from now on of everything that happens between them. Also he found it funny and Russia found it hot so it's a nice dynamic. Of course if Canada ever wanted to stop Russia would respect that retraction of consent and stop immediately.


Canada giggles with Russia in their hotel room. "I can't believe you're now my husband."

"I can't believe it either cutie." Russia poked Canada's cheek with a grin.

"I've never seen you this happy before Russia."

"Well you did just make me the happiest man alive by marrying me."

"Well, I'm glad I can make you so happy dear." Canada keeps smiling at Russia as they sit down together. "How's my handsome husband doing?"

"I'm doing well, how's my cute husband doing?"

"I'm alright." Canada gave Russia a pass for once on calling him cute. After all it was rare he got to see Russia smile quite that much and he wanted to save it in his memory forever.

"What? Annoyed I called you cute?" Russia kept smiling kinda mischievously at Canada.

"What is it Russ?"

"Nothing Twocan. Just smiling at my handsome and adorable Husband."

"H-hey. No fair you don't get to fluster me that easily.".Canada could already feel his cheeks heating up. They'd dated for 6 years now and still he was just as sensitive to Russia's words.

"But I just did."

"Maybe." Canada looked away feining annoyance.

"Mmm. Is the hot Russian turning someone on~" Russia made sure to make his voice a tad bit deeper. Canada blushed hard and bit his bottom lip slightly.

"Mayyybeeee." Canada stretched out the word. He was being turned on, but he just didn't like to admit it when someone turned him on.

"I'll take that as a yes then Darrrling~" Russia out his mouth right next to Canada's ear, making him release a flustered sound.

"S-so what if I am? What are you gonna do about it?" Canada's arms were still crossed but it was obvious he was pretending at this point. He clearly loved the affection a lot. Russia of course found this trait cute.

"Mmm. I'll help you, little soldier."

"O-okay." Canada paused for a second, "Master~" Russia smiled at the name.

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