chapter 16 storyshift

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your pov:

I'm really dizzy right now as the reaper girls refuse to stop fighting for me

"it's my turn you had him longer" reaper frisk:

"no you had him for almost an hour!" reaper chara:

"that's it I've had all that I can take and I can't takes it no more!!"

everyone looked at me

"I'm sick enough as it is because of this portal so stop it or I swear I'm gonna throw up on one of you!"

they both let me go
reaper frisk apologized while reaper chara just held her arm and looked away.

"thank you...and I'm sorry for yelling"

"ok now that that's over we're entering storyshift" ink:

"you know what's be funny if the chara of this place acted like sans"

"never" chara/reaper chara:

"actually....." core:

"oh god no" chara/reaper chara:

"wait it was a frigging joke!!"

"ah relax shift is cool once ya get to know her" sans:

"yeah and when she joins your little group of girlfriends out group would be complete" carrot:


"that bad time trio dont ask we just call ourselves that" sans:

"I bet I could kick all of your asses at once if I tried"

I said not giving a single fuck at the moment

"heh well see about that" sans/carrot:

we exit the portal and enter storyshift and oh great gods I need to barf!!
i rush tt the nearest bush and throw up.

5 minutes later.....

no one pov:

"are you ok now sweetheart?"
core said carrying you on her back

"yeah....I just need some water"

you all made it to a house in snowden and ink knocks on the door
some shuffling was heard before it was opened


"heya shift" sans/carrot/ink:

"oh hey guys I see you brought some pretty mirrors ohh and a cute little kid too" ss.chara:

"first I'm fucking 16 now and second can I please have some water and third I'm y/n nice to meet you"

ss.chara giggles as she let's you into her house and closes the door throwing herself on the couch core rests you down next to her and goes to get the water

"ya look sick there handsome want some fries with chocolate?"
ss.chara snaps her fingers and offers you a dish filled with fries covered in chocolate

"ewww!" everyone except you and ss.:

"that's disgusting......give it here!"
you take the dish and stuff your face with the choco cries as you now dubbed them

"say this is great!"

"huh never met anyone else who liked them" ss.chara:

you finished the fries as core brought you the water that you quickly drink

"ahh I feel much better now thanks"
you jump up and flip landing on the sealing wich caught everyone but sans and carrot off guard

"what are you looking at me like that?.....oh yeah I forgot I can mess with my own gravity now"

Love of a demon(fem chara and frisk au's x male reader *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now