chapter 8: moving day

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frenchie:"ah today we join our friends in the well know tradition of moving day.
we last left them when the barrier was broken and now all the monsters with some help of the human govenment have made accommodations of the city as a starter to welcome back all of monster kind."

y/n pov:

it's been almost two months since the monsters were freed and it was finally time for us to move into the city
asgore and toriel had gotten an abandoned mansion for us to live in while other monsters lived close by in that area.
they invited sans, papyrus,undyne and alphys to live there as well since the place was so big mettaton was invited as well but she
(idk why but I always saw mettaton as female)
that a world tour was an order
frisk was excited and so was asriel as for chara well she didn't care much but she was still happy for everyone and me I just wanted to stay away from as many humans as possible or at least have a hoodie when going out.
speaking of wich i was busy looking for a box chara said should be under her bed it took a while but I did find it
it was heavy but I managed
"what the hell is in here?" I asked myself but I wouldn't look in it whatever it is must be personal right?

*what doing?*
"oh I forgot about talk now"
*funny you not*
"whatever you say shadow...can I call you that?"

so yeah life is pretty normal now.

"hey chara what's in this?"
she notices me struggling with box and come over to take it from me with zero difficulty.

"here I'll hold it" chara:

"how are you so strong?"

"I'm basically a demon remember?" chara:
oh yeah I forgot about that....demon would be the last word I'd used describe you but to each their own.

"you still wanna know what's inside?" chara:
I shook my head yes as she opens the box to supplies?

"you used to draw?"

"mhmm" chara:
I take one of the sketch pads and looked inside I saw many drawings there was one of asriel holding the golden flowers toriel and asgore making a pie but the one that caugh my attention the most was a picture of a girl in the rain in waterfall surrounded by echo flowers
she looked beautiful.

"who is this chara?"

"oh that was the time I first went to waterfall i drew it a long time ago" chara:

"it's amazing you gotta teach me"
she blushed and patted my head like she always does

"c'mon cutie everyone's waiting" chara:
I placed the pad back into the box and chara lefts it up and carried it out
it's really happening I'm going back but I'm ready.

timeskip to the mansion....

chara pov:

the car finally stopped which means we arrived I looked at the house it was so fucking big!
(ha that's what she said)
my cutie was asleep poor thing I dont think he rested at all last night I simply carried him on my back into the house while mom and dad unload the trailer.
I would be lying if I said the place wasn't well roomy this room looked perfect for a living space that led to a kitchen and in between was a staircase going up to the second storey.
frisk joined me while we walked around the place I called dibs on one of the big rooms which annoyed her a bit but i told her I'd be sharing so i need the space
we walked down the hall a little further from the rooms and came to a dead end with a door which I guessed was the main bathroom as i swore there was one on each of the bedrooms we checked if not then really big closets.
we went back downstairs to see the couch in the new living space as dad was setting up the tv for us I layed y/n down but he tugged on my sweater
"ok I'll stay" I said as I reposition him to lay on top of me then he wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled as I pet his head.

"hey sis why do you pet him like a cat?" frisk:

"cause he likes it....also to remind him whose the bigger one in this relationsh....ow!" chara:

"I'm short but I bite"
he groggily said while smirking at me

"ha jokes on you I'm into that shit"

"ok I'll bite you again"
I stopped him from doing so his teeth are really sharp.

"so much for being into it"

"nah I'm just not in the mood now" chara:


he got up and sat on the couch allowing me to sit up as well.

no one pov:

asgore had just finished setting up the tv and let the you and the others watch as bringing in furniture would be to much to ask of the kids
asriel frisk and chara propped up to watch a movie but you decide that you wanted to go for a walk,
grabbing your hoodie you put it one and walk out the house informing them that you'd be back later,
you put the hood to cover your hair and walk towards the city.
after a short walk you found yourself staring at a house it was small but still in good condition you knew this place after all it was your old home,
it wasn't far from where the area of the monsters lived so it didn't take to long to arrive
you walked into the house and go to the back to come upon the same tree in the back yard it still had the names of your parents and sister engraved on it in your handwriting
you sat down against the tree for a while to think about everything that has happened until now.

*you ok?*
"do I look ok?"
*stupid you look stupid*
"then let me be stupid"
*(sighs) listen I know you miss them...I do too but dont let past wounds stay open*
*you found others that care who what you to be happy...Sarah would be happy mom and dad would be happy*
you felt tears run down your face you missed your family they did everything to make you smile.
but now you have other people that care for you and love you just like they did thinking about this fills you with.....

ok I'm tired right now so I'll leave it here for now tomorrow y/n and chara go places can you guess where

"the bedroom?" frenchie:

*bonk*go to horny jail danm it!

anyway hope you all enjoy and I'll see you in the next one bye

Love of a demon(fem chara and frisk au's x male reader *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now