chapter 15 meeting the gods

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your pov:

we were on our way to the king of the gods asgore's temple
reaper chara had woken up but realizing the predicament she was in only did as much as talking that and she was still in reaper gaster's giant hand.

"hey shorty what's you name?" reaper chara:

"not one for small talk are we.....I am y/n"

"so what's your favorite colour?" reaper chara:

"where are you going with this?"
I asked feeling sceptical

"I can't do anything so I'm having small talk as all" reaper chara:

"*sighs* my favourites are space themed black and gold"

"do you like cold?" reaper chara:

*is this an interrogation?* shadow:
I mentally shrug my shoulders

"I prefer it yes......any other questions?"

"no" reaper chara:

*this one is strange*

after a while we finally made it to reaper asgore's temple
......wait a second

"hey mr. magic god couldn't you just teleport us here?"

"I could have but you would have missed out on the tour" reaper gaster:

he had me there i did enjoy the sights
he knocks on the door and a girl in white pops out I could tell it was reapertale frisk

"everyone this is frisk the demigod of mercy" reaper gaster:

reaper frisk takes a bow and welcomes us she quite literally glowed when we made eye contact

"hi sister!" reaper chara:

"hello chara got in trouble again I see"
reaper frisk said sounding annoyed

"you know me dear sister trouble is my middle name" reaper chara:

reper frisk sighs and let's us in we walk towards the throne room where we meet the king of gods himself
asgore dreemurr

"king asgore I'd like you to meet our visitors" reaper gaster:

"greetings to all familiar yet new faces I am asgor the god of the sky" reaper asgore:

we all said hello to him when another glowing person walks in

"oh my i didn't know we had guests"???:

"lady life"
reaper gaster says as he bows again

I knew she was always motherly but to thing reapertale toriel is the goddess of life

"i am toriel but you may cal me life if you wish"
life smiled warmly at us I can't help but feel at ease in her presence

"wow when you look up glowing in the dictionary you'll see her"
I said as her natural light started to burn my exposed eye slightly

"oh your a new one I almost mistook you for a plush toy" reaper asgore:

everyone but me found that funny
yet another reason why I hate being short and held like this

"gorey dear please be nice....I'm sorry my small friend what's you name?" life:

"I'm y/n I was raised off of chocolate and survival instincts.i was born in the humble au of undertale and was given the family name of l/n but I go around the world known as...."

"the cutie pie~" reaper chara:

"the cutie pie........hey!!"

everyone laughs again as I start blushing

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