chapter 2: the meeting

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frisk pov:

I was checking in on flowey still trying to convince him to come back home with me but stubborn as always he wouldn't budge.
I felt sad that I failed but I was determined to get him to come one day as I was about to leave I heard a thud turning around I say another human
getting a better look I noticed some things one obvious thing was that he had a head full of white hair it looked weird but cool at the same time but i shouldn't judge that's sans' job.
flowey popped up all of a sudden

"what the hell did you do!?"flowey:
he shouted

"w..what I didn't do this!!"frisk:
I defended myself he was still upset but was weirded out upon seeing his hair

"what the.....whi has white hair?"flowey:

"be nice flowey"frisk:
he gave me look of disgust while I lift this boy over my shoulder.
hes really short reaching if he stood up he might reach right under my chest I can tell chara would have fun teasing him about that but then again would she even like the idea of another human in the house?
all questions aside he needed help I notice that the must've hit somewhere on the way down he's bleeding so I had to hurry home flowey surprisingly followed me probably curious about everything can't blame him.

timeskip to toriel's house....

no one pov:
frisk walked in calling her mother toriel. upon laying eyes on you she immediately took you out of her arms and towards a bed room laying you on a bed she rushed out to get bandages and other supplies she might need

"really frisk you brought a human?"???:
a girls who was on the bed opposite to the one you were on asked with a harsh tone

"I couldn't just leave him there chara"frisk:
chara got up and looked at your unconscious body and smiled

"wow you got a circus freak?"chara:

"chara!! that's mean!!"frisk:
she shouted at the red eyed girl who didn't give a damn in the world about your feelings

"what it's not he could hear me"chara:
she said rolling her eyes and walking out the room

" would you like if someone said that about your eyes?"frisk:
hearing this chara stopped in place and looked at her.
frisk gave her a look of concern worried she accidentally crossed a line but chara just left the room

"who's to say no one did?"chara:
with that she left as toriel came back in with her supplies ready to heal you the best she could.

timeskip brought to you by temflakes part of nutritiously good breakfast....

y/n pov:

I was in a lot of pain so I knew I wasn't dead but I also heard muffled voices I opened my eyes slightly and looked around I was in a dark room and on what felt like a bed
I sat up and looked around more I noticed that I was bandages...I with they had let me die.
I got up and noticed red eyes looking at me I screamed and fell to the floor but then I heard laughing

"oh my god that's rich!":???
a strange girl with brown hair a natural blush wearing a green sweater with a yellow stripe said this as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"w...who are you?"y/n:
you looked at her she's taller than you and her glear is unsettling she got up and walked towards me and I just back away until I'm against a wall trapped she kneeled down and looked me directly in the eyes

"my name's chara...and you're in my home circus freak"chara:
s...she called me a freak......she's no different from the rest of humanity I didn't respond but I felt like I should've said something about her eyes as a retort but I'm better than that I just sit there and stare at her.

"a quiet one huh....well you freaks have your ways.....who has white hair anyways?"chara:
I desperately wanted to say something or at least defend myself but with past experience I learned that keeping my mouth shut would save my ass a lot more.
chara seemed annoyed and called me an idiot before leaving the room I stayed behind for a while I wanted to cry bit I held in my tears and walked out the room myself
upon exiting I was hit with the scent of cinnamon and butterscotch following my nose it led my to the kitchen where I was led to another girl who was as tall as chara with equal shoulder length hair and a blue sweater with two purple stripes.
she had an apron on and just took a pie out of the oven and rests it on the counter my mouth waters as I see the huge treat she apparently notices me and looks at me with a smile

"hi I'm hungry little fella?"frisk:
well no doubt she noticed I'm short but I still shake my head I hadn't eaten in a while
she was kind enough to give me a big slice I sit infront the pie it intimidates me but frisk told me to go ahead I took a small taste and then start to scaf down the piece of pie causing frisk to giggle.

"you're feeding it now?"chara:

"chara be nice he happens to be hungry"frisk:
chara rolled her eyes and scoffed then went on about how much she didn't want me here and to be honest I would leave if I found the exit.

"frisk why don't we send the kid on his way with some food then"chara:

"I'm 15"y/n:
they looked surprised

"oh it speaks"chara:
I rolled my eyes and finish the last of the pie I have trouble placing it in the sink as to was higher then I expected chara got a kick out of that

"oh da wittle baby having twouble?"chara:
I gritted my teeth and glared at her I've been here for five minutes and I already don't like someone
frisk told her to stop teasing me and put my dishes away,I really hate being short

"relax frisk I'm just having fun with the little circus freak"chara:
I've had it with her and I snapped

"hey at least I don't look like a red eyed bitch who wears makeup all the time!!"y/n:
she snarled at me and took out her knife now I couldn't fight well but I wasn't going to loose to such a mean person.
frisk got in the way and begged chara to stop what surprised me she did and I to lowered my guard.

no one pov:

after a while a goat lady came up the stairs and greeted you she was kind like frisk and had even gifted you the opportunity to stay with them you were somewhat comfortable with this place minus chara being mean so I accepted the offer but I wanted to meet my family and that's what I'll do so while they thought otherwise I knew my time here would be temporary.

"Dear child I have not gotten your name"toriel:

"o..oh I'm y/n miss"y/n:
she patted my head and smiled

"pleasure to meet you y/n...and might I say your hair looks beautiful"toriel:
I blush and rub my right arm no one ever said stuff like that I thank her and she told us it was time for bed I asked about a place to sleep but she apologised and said I'd have to share with one of the girls I would have chosen frisk but tori said that chara's bed was big enough for two so I'd share with her.
I didnt want to and neither did she but we had no choice it was dark and I layed on the bed facing away from her  when I felt tap on my shoulder

"hey circus freak"chara:
she whispered to me I simply turned my head and gave her a look that says
what. she giggled and called me naive she faced me fully.

"don't try anything"chara:
I gave her look that said really before answering her

"I'm not some type of perv"y/n:
with that she turns around again and I let sleep slowly overcome me I hope
I get a peaceful rest this time.

ok chapter 2 done and its establish for now you and chara dispise eachother hope you all enjoy and I'll see you in the next one so long =)

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