chapter 1

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Emily Romero.

I was in the elevator, waiting to arrive at my office floor and so much was on my mind. I needed to come up with my new design, fast and I had to be a fucking maid of honor at my sister's wedding, which wasn't my thing at all. I exhaled deeply and said to myself, " God, let 2014 be a normal year without any drama then I will be just fine." A little pep talk was really good in such situations.

The lift door opened and I walked out making my way to my office. My assistant walked up to me and said, " morning Emily. You have a meeting with Swatch, they would like you to be the spokesperson and your sister sent you your dress for the wedding and it's in your office."

"Thanks Amy, give swatch a call and tell them I will do it, and they must send me the time and date."

"Yes, do you want your usual Starbucks coffee and muffin?"

"Yes please."

"Will do."

"Thanks, " I said then walked into my office, shook off my jacket and bag. I walked to my desk and relaxed before even looking at the dress.

I took out my special design which was a wedding dress. It was my dream dress for when I was going to get married or if I was ever going to get married. It was a work of art that took me weeks to get the idea on paper and work it into a dream dress, my dream dress. The desire for me to design it was still foreign, but here it was and I was wondering if I ever will actually use it?

I set the design away, then stood up and went to check out the dress. I hoped and prayed that my sister found a nice design or I wasn't going to wear it. It hurt that she didn't ask me to design the dresses, but it's okay because these things can sometimes cause unnecessary conflict.

I walked up to the dress, took the covering off, and was looking at the dress. It was a very beautiful ivory color with a beautiful floral pattern, it was lovely."Emily your sister is here."

"Bring her in." My sister was my best friend and a very beautiful, graceful woman with her long brown hair, blue big eyes, a well-toned body, and an exquisite personality.

I was more on the sexy hot side with my thick, luscious platinum brunette hair, brown piercing eyes, thick plump lips, a curvy body, and just my spiky steamy personality that made me and my sister differ from one another." Hey Emily."

"Hi Bridget."

"So you do you love the dress?"

" Yes, I do, it's very cute."

" Great, so tomorrow, please make it to La Bonita for lunch with Brian and me."

" Why?"

" I want you to meet Brian's brother, oh and his wife is going to be there."

" What am I benefiting from this exactly?"

" Please Emily, I need my sister with me on this because the brother is the best man and you're the maid of honor."

" And so you want the important people to be there?"

" Yes, exactly, so will you come?"

" Yeah why not, I have nothing better to do, so yeah I will."

" Fine, so it's at 02:00 pm and wears something hot."

" Why?"

" Listen to your sister please."

" Ok whatever."

" Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're the world's best, I owe you big time."

" Yes, you sure do."

" Ok, I have to go, I left Megan with the nanny at home and I don't trust other people with my baby."

" Alright, tell my little niece that I love her and that I can't wait to spend the weekend with her."

" Will do, bye love."

" Bye angel, " I said and my sister left.

I started making plans for my runway show. I checked my other plans for the year and I was packed with so much work, but I didn't mind because I was doing what I loved and it made me richer every day, " Hey sexy."

" Hey Kevin."

" I brought us your usual. I decided that I'm going to grace you with my presence today." I smiled, then sat down and so did Kevin. Gavin was my best friend from high school and he was gay who I loved to bits.

We dated, but then he realized that he felt out of sorts being with women and decided to truly be himself and I was more than okay with it. He possessed a very sexy boyfriend that I would drool over, but I knew he wasn't going to bat for my team anytime soon or ever.

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