Honeymoom 🔞

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Siddharth and Avneet have been married for few months now and both didn't even got time before marriage to spend some time together and now when they are a couple they both can't get enough privacy which is too frustrating for Siddharth

"I don't know what to do it's too hectic", siddharth looses his tie and sat down on his chair

"Bro take leave I and abishek are here to look after work, take a break and do your pending honeymoon!" Rohan reasoned with siddharth and he nodded


"Avneet, Avu..... I am back Avu", Siddharth looked out for Avneet in whole house but be couldn't find her he wondered where she gone

He heard a creak sound of the bathroom door and he looked back

"Oh God you were in there I was finding you everywhere", he said and avneet gave him a small smile

"Where else I would go", she asked while making the bed

"We need to talk", he stated clearly which leaves no room for her whinning and ahe simply nodded a yes, she settled down on the bed and he sat beside her

"Look we need time you know privacy, since we got married no one have left u alone and I was too busy in office whole day and at night u used to be asleep when I come also before wedding we never got enough time to meet and know each other, so please don't say a no na let's go for the honeymoon which I know u secretly wanna do", he said everything in one go and saw pink hue on Avneet's cheeks
'is my wife blushing, how cute', he thought in mind and caressed her cheek with the pad of his thumb, she nodded to which he smiled and kissed her forehead

Siddharth went inside washroom to change the clothes and came back few minutes later to see Avneet still awake maybe for him

"Avu", he called out for her, she looked at him, "Let's sleep we have to do packing also tomorrow", she said in a low voice and he jumped on bed, he cuddle her near him and she placed her head on his broad chest and they fall asleep in no time.


"Yeah I fucking have a flight in an hour, can you please shut up your mouth" Siddharth barked over the call

"Fine go have a great time, accha sun condom rakha na? Accha bye" Rohan said and cut the call quickly

"Mother f.... Hi...hello.... Wtf this shit guy", siddharth murmured angrily

"Suniye, um I guess we should leave", Avneet said slowly, Siddharth nodded and put her hand on Avneet's back, a smile played on his lips because Avneet didn't knew the things siddharth had planned for their honeymoon!

After a flight of 10 hours finally they both reached Malaysia, Avneet was still in her traditional attire to which siddharth frowned but changed his expression when Avneet looked at him with a happy smile

"It's beautiful", she chirp with joy

"Babe it's nothing, wait and see the heavens which i will take you to", he whispered the last part in her ear and she blushed like a tomato

Siddharth chuckled on her cuteness and made her sit inside the car to hotel

Both checked in for their suit, it was already 10 in night so they thought to have dinner 🍽 and call it a night, but Siddharth have some other plans 😏

Avneet went inside to freshen up till then siddharth changed in some comfy clothes
He wore black T-shirt and white pants
And he choose white lacy lingerie and a white strapless middie for Avneet, he very well knew she will hesitate but won't say a no atleast she can do this much for her husband now

Avneet came out and saw siddharth sitting on the couch talking to someone, she rolled her eyes, she went towards her luggage and it had a chit, she took it and read


She looked at Siddharth but he was still on call, she looked back on bed and walked towards the bed slowly, she gasped after seeing the stuff siddharth had left out for her to wear, she can feel the heat rushing down towards her whole body, she blushed

"Wear it", she heard his voice ordering him, she slowly looked at him and their gaze meet, the passion ignite in their soul

"I... Vo... How can I... " Avneet stammers

"Vo kya Avu, why u can't? Hm?", siddharth asked while coming close to her, she started moving backwards and he kept coming close till he close the distance by placing his hand on her waist and she squealed due to the touch, he gave her a devilish smirk

"Hn avneet so kya keh rahi thi", he asked and she shook her head in a no

"So what does this mean? ", he asked

"I will wear this", she closed her eyes and obeyed like a good sweet wife

Siddharth leave her waist and start moving backwards, " I am waiting down 10 mins", he said and left the room

I am wrapping up this chapter here only Second chapter will be out soon, guys it's not acceptable what is this? So less votes and reads, no I will stop writing if this is the case


50 VOTES thas wht I am asking so help me and unlock the next chapter

Sidneet One Shots (Siddhart & Avneet) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ