Chapter 31 ➼ 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑒 ℐ𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒾𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃

Start from the beginning

Angelina was grateful that she woke before Clarke did that next morning as she found herself lying back on the beach besides Octavia. Angelina scrambles to her feet, finding her sword securely strapped onto her back. She passes Clarke, staring down at the girl as she finds the flame tucked into it's box that sat in the girl's unconscious grasp.

A few hours later as everyone woke, they met up at the rover where Angelina sits on the hood while Octavia and Clarke finish loading up.

"The rover's almost charged. We need to pack up, we'll be home soon," Bellamy speaks as he rounds the corner of the rover.

"Then what? Run away?" Clarke sarcastically asks.

Jasper cautiously eyes Angelina as he makes his way to stand beside Bellamy as Octavia stands before Angelina.

"We're not running away, Clarke," Bellamy sighs, tired of arguing with the blonde. "We need to regroup with the others and find another way to defeat Alie."

"There is no other way! We need a nightblood!" Clarke yells. "We need to unlock the flame, it's the only way to stop Alie."

"What do you expect us to do, Clarke?" Jasper sighs as he rolls his eyes before continuing, "walk into random villages and ask for their nightbloods?"

"If that's what is takes," Clarke nods.

"No," Octavia snarls, holding her ground before Angelina. "Clarke, if Alie can find us on Luna's rig, she can find us anywhere. I won't help you destroy another innocent grounder village."

"If we don't find a nightblood then there won't be any grounder villages, or a home for us to go back to," Clarke defends herself.

"That's all the more reason we go there and make sure that our friends are okay," Bellamy says, turning the blonde's attention.

Clarke grows silent, glancing from Bellamy, to Jasper, to Octavia, and finally to Angelina. Clarke shrinks back from Angelina's harsh glare before she scoffs and marches of into the middle of the woods. Angelina doesn't watch the girl go, only staring where the girl once stood seconds ago.

Angelina slides off of the front of the rover as Bellamy follows after the blonde. Neither Octavia or Jasper speak a word as they both watch Bellamy disappear into the line of trees. "If we can't find another nightblood we're going to have to put the flame in me."

"No, Lina," Octavia protests. "We weigh all of our options and then we decide together."

"What other option do we have?" Angelina sighs as she sinks to the ground, leaning against the tire of the rover. "Luna's out, there's no forcing her to take the flame. Especially not after what happened on the rig."

"Sadly, I agree with Ang," Jasper sighs, watching the girl.

"It's all my fault," Angelina whispers just loud enough for Octavia to hear. The darker haired girl scowls as she kneels down to face her person. "It is!" Angelina exclaims, in hysterics as tears well in her eyes. "If I had just said yes to Clarke, if I had taken the flame, then all of those people would still be alive right now!"

Octavia grabs onto the girl's shaking hand, looking her in the eyes as she says, "their blood is not on your hands, their blood is on Alie's."

Angelina parts her lips, prepared to respond when all of her senses erupt at once. The fire of a gun shot fills the three's ears. As Angelina lifts her head, a searing pain shoots down her right arm.

The girl screams out, startling both Octavia and Jasper as black blood rushes out of the fresh wound.

"Roan," Angelina gasps as she runs into the woods. The girl does her best to follow after the sound of the gunshot. The girl screams her soulmate's name as she stumbles through the woods, holding her palm over her bleeding arm. Blood gushes from between her fingers as she yells out, the girl's throat raw from every tear that fell.

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