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Guys, as I am not getting good response on this book so I am planning to close this book within abrupt ending which was not planned at all. It seems that you are liking my ANORMA VS ANIDITA series more SO I THINK THAT I SHOULD CONCENTRATE ON THAT SERIES. But as you all other readers of the story for whom I am writing this. Your decision will be the last decision and matters me the most. I have posted this because I am feeling that the likes and comments are suddenly decreasing on this story and increasing on the other will be difficult for me to write both the stories at the same time and hence it will result in bad performance in both of them. But yes if  will receive good response then I may start the story again. As my online classes has also begin so I am getting very less time to write it. I used to sleep at 1 a.m. and wake up at 6:00 to give you update as soon as possible. I am not saying that you are at fault I think my Idea is not suitable and is little bit boring. So at last I would like to say that I am planning to stop the story and continue with manorma one.after the ending of that story I will surely come with another story which will definitely be different from other stories. Please send your responses as soon as possible. If you want to know my point of view then I also want to stop the story. If I will receive more than 8 reviews of stopping this then I will stop the story.

Thank you
Writer sahiba ❤️

YE TUNE KYA KIYA (BARRISTER BABU FAN FICTION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ