This mean nothing

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I looked back up to her and saw that she turned back around to Miss Jones. I looked on my watch and saw that Nick's training has already start. I go outside of the school toward the place and saw him there with the other boys. I sit down in the near of the field and watched what they did. 


The next day I go too school like everyday but today it was a bit other because today we have representation through Miss Howard. I was afraid to see her in class because there I don't can turn around so easy and walk away and she neither. 

It was the last lesson as we have she, she walk inside of the classroom and go straight to the teacher desk and placed her bag on it. I try to not look at her, to not make this whole situation more weird. 

She sigh and turn toward us, me still not looking at her. "Hey y/n" Lisa tip my shoulder to get my attention. I turn my head toward her and she look at me and then to Miss Howard who look at me, her arms crossed in front of her chest, with a light annoying look on her face. 

"Miss y/l/n I wish that you point your attention to me and not to the wall beside you" she say with a strict voice. I blush light and and nodded my head for 'yes'. The last lessons get around very quickly, without uncomfortable situations with her. 

At the end of the lesson she call me to her. I wonder what she want from me. 

Before I can go to her, Nick hold me back, with laying his hand on my arm.

"What do she want from you again?. She seen a  bit angry at you today. Did you bother her?", "I don't know". He raised his eyebrow and say: "I'm sorry babe but I can't wait for you because I have to go home fast. You know how much I like to wait for you but I can't", "It's  okay, go" I say and kissed him on his mouth.  

"Bye love you" he say and grab his bag, "love you too" I say and he walk out of the room.

 An I turn toward Miss Howard. 

She sit there on the edge of her desk, looking at me.

I go to her, so that I stand now in front of her. 

She look a bit jealous, or maybe I see things who  are not there. I mean why should she be jealous. She said it was nothing and she have a man and she is my teacher so...

"I want to apologize for what happens two days ago and I don't know what this was but I want to let you know that this means nothing and I would be happy, that we do so like this would never happens. I think it is in your though to, because you are in a relationship with Nick and I am in a marriage, and the second point is that I am your teacher. This means nothing and it shouldn't mean something for you  or me, because we are both with someone. So try to act normal." 

I looked at her, not knowing  what to say. And I  don't really know what I should think about the kiss. 

"If you understand, then you can go now" Miss Howard say and  turn around to her things on her desk. 

I don't know what to say. And the truth is, would I have a idea to say something, I think it would be better to shut my mouth.

I turn to the door and walk out, without saying a  word  to her.

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