The new teacher

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My watch's alarm clock wakes me up and I see it's 7 a.m. I get up and look for a white blouse with black jeans and white shoes. I go to the kitchen where my mother was and make breakfast.

"Morning mum" I said and go over to her and give her a quick kiss on her cheek. 

"Morning sweetheart do you have sleeping good?" she ask not looking away from the pan in front of her. "Yes , I hope you too" she shake her head for 'yes' and I smiled and sit down on the chair in front of the dinner table. 

She comes over and placed a plate with pancakes on it. I mumble a 'thanks' and start eating. She take a place right next to me and start reading the newspaper and drinking her coffee at the same time. "And what is going on today? Something special", "no, I just meet a few friends after school if it's okay for you" I answer with my mouth full of pancakes. "Alright" she short answer and continue reading. 

I finished my food and stand up and take my bag with the school things in it for today. "Bye mum, have a nice day at work", "thanks, you too"  she say after me as I closed the door behind me, making my way to school.

_________(at school)

I reach the school and see my best friend Lisa and my boyfriend Nick waiting for me on the entrance.

"Morning you all" I say and hug Lisa and then Nick.

He lay his arm over my shoulder and press me closer to his side as we three walk in to the building. 

The first class we have was English, and we know that we get a new teacher today. We three walked toward our classroom and take our seat. Lisa and I sit almost next to each other, so that we can still talking. The bell ring and the other students comes inside the class and take them seat. We wait a few seconds until a woman comes inside and walk to the teacher desk in front of our class and stand her bag on it.  She wear a silk pink blouse and a black skirt with black high heals. Her blond shoulder long hair hangs a bit over her shoulders  to her chest. She unpack her things and went then straight toward the blackboard and take a white chalk and write her name on it.

Miss Howard

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