Miss Howard

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Miss Howard

stand on the blackboard. She turn around and look to us.

She was really beautiful, I must say. I looked over to the boys of the class and they was talking about something I can't understand. 

"I am your new teacher Miss Howard. Maybe it will need a bit, that I know all your name but I hope that will be good English hours. So first I have a small exam for you all, that I see what all from you can and what not". She go around and give all from us a paper. Before she reached mine and Lisa's seat I start talking with her about stuff. Miss Howard cleared her throat as she stand direct in front of my desk. 

"What is your name?" she ask me. Her dark brown eyes star at me, and I can't stop watching at them. "Excuse me, I asked you a question"  she rip me out of my though with her raspy voice.

"I'm sorry Miss Howard" I say and answer her question:" y/n, my name is y/n". "Well Miss y/n maybe you will us tell about you was talking with your friend" she raised one of her eyebrows as she spoke with me.  I didn't answer her. I just sitting there and give her no answer. "Well" she said and smile a bit.
I just sit there and looked at her, it was a smile that she know that she is the winner here. She lay the paper on my desk and turn around on her heel. I looked after her as she made her way back to her desk. Her hips swing from the one side to the other side. As she sit down on her place I watched down  on my paper and take my pencil and start writing.

Sometimes I lifted my head and looked to her. I don't know why but I did. I followed all her moves with my eyes. As she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear that hung in her face. 

After 30 minutes she go around and take the papers back. When she reached my seat and was about to take my paper, our hands brushed lightly against each other. She act like it was nothing but I have the feeling that electrons, flow trough my whole body and give me a shiver. She turned around, to go back.

In the middle of the lesson I get a message from Nick.

Hey are you free today?


Evening, 6pm.

Yes I think

Ok perfect❤

Can we talk about this later in the break not that

"What is so important that you can send messages in the middle of my lesson Miss y/l/n" I hear Miss Howard's voice say, before I can finish the message. 

I lift my head and see the whole class looking at me. "I- I'm sorry Miss Howard"

"you will. I don't like that students think, just because this is the first day I'm here that you can do what you want. So after school you stay." 


"Don't start a discuss with me or I do two days". I roll my eyes and take my phone back in my pocket. I look over zo Nick and he gives me a 'sorry' face.

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