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Billie's pov:

Y/n and I was the whole day home. I'd liked it a lot with her here with me. I can't describe my feelings right now.
I like it to just look at her, to see she smile, talk to her or just feel her close to me.

It was late in the night, as we both lay in my bed. Y/n was already asleep and lay close to me. I was still awake and look at her her sleeping face.
I bring my left hand to her face and stroke a small strand of hair out of her face and caresses her cheekbone with my thumb, smiling at her.
I decide to stay up, but careful to not to wake she. I push the blanket slowly away and stand up from the bed. I take a silky, pink robe who is right in the near from the bed and take them on and tie the ribbon together on my stomach.

I open the door and close them quite behind me, walk the stairs down in the darkness from the house and to the garden door.
The medium warm air hit me and filled my lungs with fresh oxygen. The half moon shines on the dark sky with a few stars.

I sit down on the edge of the pool and hung my feet in the warm water, so my legs was in the water until my knees.
I lean a bit back and place my hands a bit behind me to support my upper body. My head fall in my back, and my eyes closed. Enjoying the fresh air blow around my nose and the water touched my legs.

The lights in the pool make the water and the environment a little brighter.

I sit there in silence. Sometimes you can hear the sounds of different animal in the night.
"Hey what are you doing here so alone" I hear a sleepy voice behind me and a my lips form a smile on my face.
She sit down next to me on the edge of the pool, her legs in the water next to mine. I open my eyes and looked at her. She also wear a robe, the ribbon tied in a half knot. Her hair was tousled, but she still look beautiful. She have a weak smile on he r face as she looked at me,  still tired and half asleep. 

"I'm sorry, was I to loud and waked you up?" I ask worried, hoping I did not wake she up, because that was not what I  wanted. "No it's fine. I didn't feel you  next to me so I was confused where you are, and here you are" she chuckle light at her words and take my hand in hers, caress my knuckles with her thumb and look at our invited  hands. With her other hand she wipe the sleep out of her eyes and rest the side of her head on my left shoulder, take a deep breath and look on the water in front of us. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have leave yo-", "there is nothing to apologize, love" she spoke in a soft voice making my heart flutter as she called me that pet-name.

"Your hand fits in mine" I whisper, almost not audible. She squeeze my hand more then before.

"Are you often here in the night?", "sometimes, if I want to think about things or when I can't sleep" I sign, my eyes still look on the water. "And what is it now?" y/n ask and shift closer to me, making me lean my head on hers.  "Both" I smiled soft at the thought what is in my mind. She seen to noticed that I was smiling now, her head get from my shoulder and she turned her head to me and I feel her hot breathe hit against my neck and her hand leave mine. I miss the feeling of her head on my shoulder and the chance to place my head on hers, her hand in mine, squeezing them sometimes, slide her thumb over my knuckles and  being so close to her how I possible can. 

I turn my head to the left side and our noses almost touched and I look deep in her y/e/c eyes. The light from the lights in the water shine on the left side of her face, let her eye sparkle even more. 

"What is in your mind Billie?" she whisper against mine lips and her soft hand caress my right cheek, letting me melt into her touch. "what did you mean with 'Is that the only thing you love?'". She giggle at me and confused me even more. "Is that the reason you can't sleep?" she still giggling at the mace I do right now. "No, I don't know why I can't but I think it comfortable to just sit there in the night and look to the stars". 

I turn my head away and looked up in the dark sky, where a few stars was. Her hand get from my cheek and I can see in the corner of my eye that he lay back on the ground with her back and looked up. "I like them too" she whisper. No one from us said a word, but it was a comfort silence. We both thinking about something that was in our head.

"The stars remember me a bit of your eyes", I chuckle. "Why do you think that?", On the day you can't see them and in the night you can. And now I can see the sparkle in your eyes, like the stars in the night and before I can't like the stars at the day", "so you mean I'm the night now?", "when the day turns into night the whole sky change. And you change too, maybe as you decide to leave him. And when I have to go back to New York and I sit on the window from my apartment and look out to the dark sky and there are the stars who shine down, it will always remember me on you". I looked at her and her eyes are closed now, but she was not asleep. She was smiling from one ear to the other. I wipe the small tears out of m eyes. I don't know why tears build up in my eyes, but they do. "When you have to leave", "maybe 2 weeks and 3 day, maybe more or maybe less. When the appointments are finished here, but then I still can take one week free but not more".

"I heard you Billie", "what do you mean?", "I was not sleeping. Okay I was half asleep, but awake enough to hear what you whispered". She opened her eyes and our gaze meet. My eyes widen, I know what she mean. "Y-you heard m-me!?" I gulp, not knowing what to answer. I was not expecting that she heard it and I was not knowing what to do now. 

"And you are still here?. Why, why are you not leaving in the morning as you heard it before?. Why y/n?" I was speechless. "You, gosh you confuse me y/n why ar-", " because I love you too Billie" she cut me off. 

I star at her, not able to say something, I did not expect to hear it from her. 

"Is that so difficult to believe?. That I love you". She sit back up and look at me. I still said no word. 

"I was happy as you said that. I was first not sure if I should do that because I have to go in a few weeks but I can't. Not when you was right in front of me. And now I'm here" y/n looked around as she said that and smiled bright. 

I grip her shoulders with my hands and push she back down on the floor, she was before. But so that I would not hurt her head. 

Our lips moved perfect against each others and her hand found her way in my hair, deepens the kiss even more. I get on the top from her, still kissing she. The kiss was more passionate then the others before. 

"I love you", "I love you too" she whisper back against mine lips. Let me smile and kiss she one more time. 

"Is it to fast, when I say now, that I don't want you to leave?" I ask and lay my head on her chest. 

"It's okay. We still have some weeks" she stroke her hand through my hair. "And then?", "then we find a other way" she spoke soft and inhale deep. 

"Come on Billie, let us go back inside. We still have a  few hours until we have to get up". We both stand up from the ground and walked inside in the house and upstairs in the bedroom, laying in the bed, tangle our legs together and getting close to each other with our bodies. Enjoying each other company. 


A/N: Thank you for 5K views. And this is the 35th chapter. I don't know how many chapter I will write. Maybe 40th, I have to look. 

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