From bad to worse

Start from the beginning


"WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT LIAM?! I THOUGHT WE RAISED YOU BETTER THAN TO BEAT THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF SOME POOR BOY." Dad shouted as soon as he got me home from school. The whole ride home had been eerily quiet. Even harry knew not to stir.
You could literally see him boiling over on the inside.
"I did it to protect sophia" i whimpered, looking down at my blood stained knuckles. God, the faster i washed this off the better. It was making me feel sick.
"I don't care if you did it to protect the bloody world Liam! You know what? Go. Upstairs, out of my sight until i cool down because believe me you don't want to know what I've got to say about all this."
God, I've never seen dad this angry before. It actually scared me. Like, a lot.
I left quickly, while i still had some chance of making it out alive.
Once i made it to my room i sprawled out on my bed but not even that could bring me comfort after today.
What had i done?
I felt terrible for what i did, i mean you could've killed him Liam. But then again, he hurt sophia. And by doing so he could've killed my child, if he had taking it a lot farther of course. My beautiful son or daughter that hasn't made itself known yet, gone if i hadn't beat him.
I know its a horrible thing to say but... It was worth it.


After hours spent pacing my room, talking to Niall and doing whatever homework i got before i was sent home, i could hear the door opening and Niall's quick but light footsteps against the floor as well as a high pitched "PAPA!"
I sat on my bed quietly while i waited for papa to find out what had happened and for him to storm into my room and shout so loud that even the dog wouldn't come near him for a week out of fear.
I waited... but nothing.
It took an hour of listening to my heart beating in my ears before i finally heard the dreaded noise of padded feet coming up the stairs to my room.
I didn't have a clue what to do. Should i pretend to be asleep? Maybe if i apologise the second he comes in the door he wont be so hard on me?
But i just stayed staring at the floor.
I heard the door creek open and papa walking over to my bed but i was frozen in my place.
"You don't know how disappointed we are in you Liam" he began. You could sense the anger in his body but yet he spoke calmly, which was unnerving.
"Im so sorry. I honestly didn't mean it papa. I swear" i whimpered, hoping that he wouldn't press the subject farther.
"Is there something wrong Liam? You've been acting weird lately, lad. You're always out or else you're here with sophia, you're being distant and you're just not yourself. Whats happenin?"
"Its just stress" i whispered, unable to trust my own voice.
"Li. Be honest."
"I cant"
"Why not?"
"Because you'll both hate me."
My words hung in the air and silenced all conversation for a moment but papa broke that.
"Liam, Darlin', we could never hate you. You're our first born. You bonded your father and i together more than anything else could have. You're so important to us."
And thats when i burst into tears. Manly Malikson, really manly.
"Hey, whats this all about?"
"Papa i didn't mean it."
"Li, i know you didn't mean to hurt him"
"No.... Not that"
The tension in the air was suffocating as i heaved out the two words that would make the massive change in my life seem real.
"Sophia's pregnant"
He pulled me close as i let out harsh sobs and held me tight as he rocked back and forth like he often does with Niall , rubbing soothing patterns in my back and occasionally shushing me or pressing a soft kiss to my head.
It felt nice to be back in papas arms like this. It felt safe and secure, something i haven't felt in weeks.
"He was gonna h-hurt her or-"
"Shhh, Liam. Everything is gonna be alright" he spoke softly into my ear as he held me close.
This continued on for a while before i finally managed to settle down a bit and stop crying. Then papa broke the silence.
"How far?"
"Almost 2 months"
Then another awkward silence came over us and left us sitting awkwardly at opposite ends of my bed.
"Im so disappointed in you Liam. Why didn't you tell us earlier?"
"Im so scared."
"I know you are but at least you have us to support you."
"Do Sophia's parents know yet?"
"No. Peter isn't going to take it well either."
"Peters her dad hun, yeah sure,he'll be angry but do you really blame him? He just wants whats best for her. "
I sighed realising that papa just didn't u understand. Peter was very into his place in society and if anything was to ruin that he wouldn't even consider it.
"Ill tell your dad if you'd like? He's a bit fragile so i'll try make it less of a shock if thats even possible" papa sighed, standing up and heading towards my door.
"Im really disappointed in you Liam. I thought you would listen to us. You saw ,and still see everyday, how hard it is to look after a baby. I thought you would've listened to us. But i was wrong"
With that papa walked out and down the stairs, leaving just me and my thoughts to battle each other once again.

Dad wasn't at all remotely happy.
As soon as papa told him he started shouting up the stairs at me
Suddenly i heard the front door slam shut so loud that even the windows rattled on impact.
I had a feeling that dad left to cool off for a while.
After id finished crying and explaining to sophia what happened i went downstairs, but dad was still gone.
"He was never so upset or angry with anyone with his life." Papa muttered from the sofa with wet brown eyes, sadly looking up at me and puffy from crying.
I cant believe i caused all this.
"Where is he?"
"Dunno.hopefully not far.
That night i waited for hours in the living room, waiting for the familiar sound of keys turning in the door but nothing.
I waited all night but dad never came home.

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