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"I promise
we'll be always together
I promise
It won't end ever
I'm not gonna leave you
Not even death can take me away from you
We'r forever
I won't ever leave you
Cause we're forever"

Jungkook continue to laying on his bed eyes closed listening to the song Taehyung once sang him.

Listening the last few lines tears flow down his cheeks

''You said the death even won't take you away from me... Then why did you leave?''

Then a chuckle left his lips along with few more tears

"Guess promise are meant to be broken.. "

"I'm so alone" the boy slowly curled up in a ball sobbing

"I miss you.. "


Above it isn't any song I write it hehe 👉👈

Was it good?? :(

Plz comment and like if you like it!!🥺

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