I looked down at myself. The nerves in me was also transmitting bluish silver lightning through my body. I closed my eyes, the focused on the mental image on my nervous system, pure-eye created. I then summoned a small spark of lightning around me. I focused harder and limited the lightning, just barely above the current emitted by the nerves. I then, slowly channeled the lightning through me again, this time, it was within my limit of lightning resistance. I focused and stabililised the current.

     After staying like that for a while, I got up. I could feel my senses were greatly excited. All my fine hair stood up, as if sensing everything around me. The world seemed slower than usual. I picked up a fist sized stone and let go if it in front if me, and it dropped so slowly, I could cut it atleast twice before it could move an inch. I caught it mid air again, and drew out my sword. I let the stone fall again and top my stance and vertically sliced the stone in half, but seeing the rock still in hair, but seeing could go on, I sliced it twice, one horizontal cut and one diagonal. The stone finally reached the ground in six pieces

      I took a speed test next, and easily cover a short distance of 10m in an instance, and I hopped up a tree. I sat down on the branch. Maintaining it like that sure is a strain, physically and mentally. My body was completely paralyzed. I laid on the branch and took a nap.

     It was around 7pm, I decided to head home. I was on my way, when my phone rung. It was my sister, "hey sis. Don't worry, I'm on my way home, you don't have to nag", I blurted out.

      "You dumbass, I didn't call you for that. A few people are following me", she whisper-yelled. Is she serious?

        "I was late due to my after school club, and now I saw few people are behind me. I am stalling by staying on the busy street", she said. Smart girl!

"Stay there, I'm on my way!"

     Guess, I'll have a field test as well.
      Reached the shopping district near Ananya's school. I reached fairly quickly, but I was really numb and tired. I quickly drank the elixir given to my from the hunter squad. I didn't use them unless emergency and luckily I had it in me. I recovered my mana and also my body recovered too.

      I called her again, after climbing the tallest tower in the shopping district. I wore my mask around my neck. "Hey, where are you", I asked as I scanned around the place.

"I'm near the small tea cart",

     Looked around and found her. I looked behind and saw three people in black. Although they blend in with the crowd, there black outfit, and constant stalking gave them away.

"I got you. Follow my instructions. Cover your face. Don't let them see your face", I said as I put on my hood.

       She followed my instructions and reached a place which was darker than the lit up street. I waited above an alley, keeping an eye on them.

        "Are you stupid?! Why did you ask me to come here?! They can easily make a move here!", she snapped at me. Girl, you really need to trust your brother.

"Turn the corner to the alley and just run straight "

     Luckily, she trusted me. She turned to the alley and just as she was out of their sight, she ran straight towards the wall. Just as she closed in on the wall, I reached her with vanishing shadow, and quickly escaped with her using my level 3 shadow spell. I covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming, and this girl bites really hard!

    We quickly arrived at the opposite side on the shopping district. I deactivated the magic and came out of the shadow. "You can use shadow magic ?!", my sister screamed in disbelief, luckily not too loud, as she saw my face. I got a lot of explaining to do huh.

      "We'll talk later, wear this mask, we're going somewhere", I covered her face with the mask. That should hide her presence. I then carried her while using my lightning spell I created.

"You can use lightning already? It's only been three months! And how did you get this spell?"

"I have experience from my shadow element. We'll talk later"

"Just let me down, you are zapping me. My body is going down"

"We're almost there "
    We arrived near the hunter squad office. I sat on the bench nearby to recover. That spell is really taxing on my body.

      "Explain yourself", Ananya uttered two simple words as she folded her hands, and tapped her foot in impatience. I guess there is no way out.

      "Sigh, do you know innate talents?", I asked her. She nodded.

      "I have one. I call it elemental eye. It grants me shadow magic as well as a deep insight on other elements too", ya changed pure-eye to elemental eye. It matched my abilities too. I activated it to show her.

       Hearing this, her eyes widened in surprise. "Not only does your eye give ability to change spells, it can even give you shadow magic!?".

    "Shhhh, Don't yell! It's my secret and Trump card. Don't tell mom", I said. Then I proceeded in telling her that awakening shadow and the eye during training, which was a lie.

"Are you from Black Vatican or something? How are you progressing so quickly? You learnt shadow magic in half a year, and lightning in just three"

"Girl, you got some serious trust issues. Have some more faith in your big brother. I told you, I have great insight due to my innate talent!"

"That's OP"

    Wait till you hear about a guy who could awaken two different elements in each stage and even have the strength of a demon. I really wanna meet him though.

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