11 | the test

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I sat in front of her as she tried to calm herself down. It's so obvious when she's mad, she is incapable of hiding her rage.

"Gio per favore prepara la sala conferenze e fai sapere a tutti che ci sarà una riunione tra poche ore," I ordered as I pointed to the door for him to leave.

[ translation: Gio please get the conference room ready and let everyone know there will be a meeting in a few hours ]

Viviana began to get up to leave with him but I wasn't done with her yet. "Not you, sit back down," I spoke and she slowly returned back to her seat.

Gio left the room and we were alone once again. The last time we were alone in my office I lost control. I can't let that happen again, this is now a professional agreement.

"Before you truly start to work for me I need to see what you're capable of. Your strengths and weaknesses."

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You're going to test me?"

I nodded my head, "It's a procedure for everyone that works for me to showcase their abilities first."

She shook her head and leaned back in her chair without saying a word. I chuckled and licked my lips, "If you're afraid you won't do well... that's okay just tell me."

She smiled sadistically at my words and looked me in the eyes, "Wishful thinking Lorenzo." My name rolled off of her lips smoothly, her slight spanish accent hypnotizing.

I clenched my jaw, "Let's go then." I got up from my chair and walked out of my office with her following behind me.

We got into my car and pulled out of the driveway quickly. She crossed her legs and stared out the window. I drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other rested on my leg.

Flashbacks of the night I met her flooded my mind. The bidding for a date. Her body in that brown dress. The trail of hickeys I left on her neck. I shook my head and forced myself to forget.


She looked at me for a moment and then spoke, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," I replied, remembering she hated surprises.

She rolled her eyes and turned to face the window once again. I made a sharp turn down an abandoned alley -- leading us away from the main road -- and began to drive slower as I approached our destination.

I drove up to a large gate with an iron fence that surrounded the property. A man tapped on my window and I rolled it down slowly. "Identification plea-" he said before noticing who I was.

His eyes widened and he immediately shut up. "Sorry sir," he whispered as he signaled the other man to open the gate.

I walked around and opened her door as she stepped out and straightened out her blouse. "You better be on your best behavior once we're inside," I said softly as I placed my hand on her back and walked her into the building.

All eyes were on us. Everyone stared as we walked through the building. I glanced over at Viviana, she kept her eyes focused on what was infront of her as she marched next to me.

The doors of the training room were held open for me as we walked in side by side. People stopped what they were doing and went quiet as I entered. I didn't come here often, it's not my responsibility to train new recruits or spar with low levels.

My hand fell from her back and I leaned in closer to her, "Wait here." She sighed through her nose and I walked away in research of Rocco.

I found him sparring with another guy in the ring. "Rocco!" I shouted to get his attention.

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