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"This is your new room..." Gio said with a smile as he pushed open the large doors and welcomed me into my room. My eyes widened slightly at the size of the bedroom before me.

The king size bed was placed in the middle of the room, lavish pillows and large comforters rested on top. There were wide windows everywhere, the property around the house was so big I could only see miles of green. The view was gorgeous.

There was a gigantic golden chandelier hanging in the middle of the room that illuminated everything with a faint warm tone. The walls were a light cream color and under both the bed and couch there were black and golden fluffy rugs.

It felt comfortable. Too bad I'll be sleeping directly across from a jackass. I walked further into the room and observed my new jail cell.

"The bathroom is the first door and the closet is the second one," he pointed to the two doors to my left, "I don't think there's any clothes in there yet but I can ask Annabella to lend you hers or something."

I turned my body to face him and my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, "That's the second time you mention a girl named Annabella, who is she?"

He smiled, "Lorenzo's sister."

I knew there were two Lombardi siblings but I've never heard much about who the other one was. Everyone's always been focused on Lorenzo. I find it strange that I tracked him for days and never once heard or saw anything about her.

I nodded my head and remembered that I saw a third door down the hall, "Is her room down the hall?"

"No. Now enough questions for today," he pushed himself off the wall he was resting on, "Get some rest, you need it, you look like shit," he teased as he walked out and closed both doors.

I chuckled lightly at his words and walked around the room. I passed by a mirror and my mouth opened at how horrible I looked.

"Fuck," I mumbled as I took note of how messy my hair was. My skin was regaining its color and the black eye was mostly gone. The bruises on my shoulder were still faintly purple but mostly red.

I sighed as I walked into the bathroom.

The floors were gray and black tile white marble countertops and black cabinets. There was a sage green sweater and white lace pajama shorts next to the sink.

I bent over and opened the cabinets. Toilet paper, blow dryer, hair brush, extra hand soap, a toothbrush with toothpaste and not much more. I locked the door and took off my clothes.

I stepped into the ginormous shower and opened the faucet. The water was hot on my skin and I relaxed. I lifted my head as it poured onto my face and traveled down my body.

Once I finished washing my body and hair I stepped out of the shower with a towel on. I quickly changed into the pyjamas Gio brought for me and left the bathroom.

Sitting down on the edge of my bed I gently removed my bandages and was impressed with how much my wound had healed. Although the wound was healthier I still needed to conceal it for the night.

I contemplated my options as I looked at the clock next to the bed. 11:32pm.

I could wake up Gio to help me find my way around but it was already late. In addition to that the guy had been with me the entire day, practically a babysitter. I wasn't going to ask him for help.

My other option was to walk through the house, in the dark, at night, myself. I decided on option two as I opened my room door slowly and walked outside.

The hallway lights were on on the second floor but I noticed only faint lamps illuminated the downstairs.

It was difficult for me to see due to the lack of lighting. I crept down the stairs slowly. I didn't know this house and it being nighttime made it even harder to navigate properly.

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