0 | prologue

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I woke up in a panic. Yelling and police sirens filled my house. In quick response I jumped out of bed and sprinted over to my desk on the other side of my room.

It was dark, still night out, I couldn't see anything but I knew exactly where to look. I opened the drawer to the desk harshly and allowed my shaky hands to roam free in search of my knife.

Once I came in contact with the blade I tried my best to grip onto the handle and rushed through my room.

I made my way over to in front of my bedroom door, ready to throw the knife as voices approached.

Footsteps got louder as I continued to hear screaming.

The door flung open and came crashing to the other side as someone came into my room. I steadied my hand and brought my arm up behind my head, with all the strength I had launched the knife directly at the intruders head.

They quickly duked and started to shout as they held up their hand in surrender, "Dios mio, it's just me!"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I realized it was my older brother. Running to him I threw myself into his arms and he hugged me back.

The hug was quick, I pulled myself away as he crouched down to get on my level, "We need to go, now."

Without giving me a chance to answer he yanked onto my arm, looking down both hallways as he continued to drag me behind him. I struggled to keep up with his long strides, he was much taller than me.

"Lucas what's going on?" I shouted in an attempt to speak louder than the gunshots and faint screaming that filled the house. He didn't answer me. He continued to pull me behind him as he gripped onto the gun in his other hand.

I heard my mother scream from downstairs. Lucas also heard it as he came to a halt. He let go of my hand and ran to the railing to see what was going on.

I quickly followed behind Lucas to peer over the edge only to see my mother on the floor as a man approached and my father resisting arrest by punching the man with handcuffs in the face.

These police weren't just men in blue. They were using all black suits with bulletproof vests and ear pieces connected to their faces. In addition to that there was a swat team raiding my house.

Lucas was fast to react as he aimed his gun and shot two men in the head, one after the other.

I didn't know what to do, or how to help. I didn't have any weapons on me and I doubt my brother would give a ten year old a gun unless it was for training.

Lucas turned around to face me, "Vaya y encuentre a sus hermanos, escóndanse en el sótano, cierre la puerta con llave y solamente deje que entre familia."

[ translation: Go and look for your brothers, hide in the basement, lock the door and only let family in. ]

He took out two knives from his pocket and handed them to me, "Solamente si es una emergencia."

[ translation: Only if it's an emergency. ]

I frantically nodded my head and took the knives from his hand. I ran through the hallways of my house as the police sirens and sounds of people fighting continued.

What I didn't understand is how they found our house. Although my father has a bad temper, he has always been extremely organized. Cautious in his business and did not tolerate sloppiness from his men.

What caused them to find our house? What mistake did he make?

Questions filled my head as I rushed through the hallways in search of my younger brothers.

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