1 | child's play

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Pushing my way through the crowd of wasted and sweaty young adults I tapped onto my hidden earpiece, making sure my brother on the other line could hear me.

"You can hear me right?" I asked as I slowly made my way closer to my destination on the other side of the dance floor.

"Loud and clear," he responded in between chewing, "I can also see you, so make sure you don't get distracted and start dry humping some college students."

I rolled my eyes when I realized he was eating something, "Leave it up to you to eat during a mission."

He intentionally gulped loudly, "That was for your disrespect."

I kept walking and he kept chewing in my ear. God he knows how to piss me off. I let out a microscopic smile, "When I'm done with this Antonio, I'm going to shoot you."

He laughed deafeningly loud into the microphone. I wasn't expecting such a loud noise, my body jumped for a split second.

Fucking animal.

He continued to laugh as I centered my attention on the door and the guard that was standing in front of it.

I kept getting closer to the door, "Shut up, I'm going in." Without hesitation he stopped laughing so I could focus.

"Goodluck, there are no cameras on the inside but we will be here by the time you finish."

Determined to get this over with, I gave a quick nod. I knew he couldn't see it but I didn't care enough to respond.

I compellingly swayed my hips to the beat of the music as I approached the red door. Behind said door was the VIP section of the club. In other words an area for criminals to bond over narcotics, stripers and expensive alcohol.

The task was simple. I walk in, convince them that I'm substituting for Raphael Lopez, play poker, get Johnny alone, interrogate and then kill him.

I walked directly in front of the door and made eye contact with the guard in a suit, "Come on, let me in," I said casually as he moved over, blocking me from entering.

He moved his eyes from my exposed chest that was decorated with necklaces and tried his hardest to concentrate on my eyes.

"No can do ma'am," he said as he shook his head.

I let out a small sigh and pretended to look distraught, "Can't you be kind enough to let a lady pass?"

The man opened his mouth as if he was going to say something and then closed it again before the words left his lips.

He was going to fold, I just needed to apply a bit more pressure.

The tall man gave no response. I was growing impatient and he was taking too long.

I got closer to him. I placed my left arm on his and ran my soft fingers along his skin, "I'll make you a deal."

The suggestive gesture and gentle words that I offered caught his attention. The man immediately looked at me with wonder.

"I'm listening, baby."

Shut the fuck up.

I was instantly repelled by this man but showed no sign of disgust since I needed him to let me through.

Yes, I could knock him out and walk right in, saving my time and energy, however, that's too risky. It would only take one person seeing me hit him against the head with the bud of my gun and hell would break loose.

I couldn't risk it.

"I'm already late, I needed to be in that room about two minutes ago," I whispered as I prepared myself mentally for what I needed to say next, "But, if you let me in now, I'll pay you a little visit on the way out."

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