9 | bite me

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I snuggled my warm body against the comfortable silk sheets as I rested my head in an extremely soft pillow. I appreciated the comfort of a bed.

I'm in a bed? Wait.

My eyes shot open as I jerked my body upwards in panic. I didn't know where I was or how I got here. The last thing I remember was untying myself from the chair and attacking those two men that tried to kill me.

I was wearing a black hoodie and gray pj shorts. I had a bandage wrapped around my leg where they shot me and my cuts were cleaned. I grew more confused by the second.

I looked around the room in curiosity. It was luxurious.

It had dark wooden floors with intricate decoration. Large potted plants were placed in corners and there was a white leather curved couch facing the tv on the other side of the room. I was laying in an antique king size canopy bed with black blankets covering me, a golden chandler hung directly above my head on the high ceilings.

The room was the opposite of modern. It looked as if all the expensive future -- all in great condition may I add -- had been here for decades. It was breathtaking.

As I continued to look around I noticed a man sitting on a single chair next to the couch on his phone. "Where the fuck am I?" I asked loudly and he turned around to face me.

He smiled as he got up from his chair and walked over to the bed, "Good morning to you too."

"I asked you a damn question, where am I?" I snapped back.

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine in the morning," he laughed lightly as he put his phone back into his pocket and propped himself up with the frame of the bed, "You're in Lorenzo's guest room."

My heart dropped. I began to remember what happened after he came back into the room but pieces were still missing. Most of it was a blur. What I do remember is telling myself to do or say anything that will keep me alive. I guess it worked.

"Who are you?" I asked as I pulled myself out of the covers.

"Giovanni, but just call me Gio," he explained. He had crystal blue eyes and dirty blond hair, he was a bit taller than me. He wore a casual white shirt with black jeans.

"How am I still alive and why am I here?" I asked frantically. None of this was making any sense.

Gio shrugged, "I have absolutely no idea, you're going to have to ask Lorenzo that."

I heard loud footsteps and I didn't even need to look to know who it was, "Ask me what?" Came a deep voice into the room. My body tensed as he spoke, his voice demanding and cold.

Gio turned around to see Lorenzo and moved to the side, leaving him and I with a clear path to stare at each other. He wore a gray suit with the jacket unbuttoned and his black hair was messy. He looked flawless.

I clenched my jaw and never took my eyes off of his, "Why the fuck am I here?!"

He tilted his head to the side slightly and pretended to pout, "You should be saying thank you to me for not killing you."

"My hero, thank you, what can I do to repay such an act of kindness!" I shouted sarcastically and Gio laughed lightly under his breath.

Lorenzo on the other hand did not seem amused. His expression was blank and his eyes contained nothing but darkness. It was impossible to read him at times.

"Keep it up with the attitude and you'll be sleeping on the floor from now on."

I rolled my eyes and looked away. I didn't want to be near him anymore. I can't stand him, let alone be in the same room. During the night of the auction I was blinded by lust and how handsome he was, today I was brought back into reality. He is an enemy, nothing more.

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