7. Told you it was a damned day

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"Our arrangement here is finally done. You are free."

Jennie stared at me perplexed.

"What? What do you mean?"

She's looking at me searching for my eyes.

I look away and remained silent.

"Is this some sort of a joke?"

She force a gentle laugh.


"Jen, you heard me. I'm being dead serious."

"But I don't understand... It is because of Taehyung? Because if it is, I told you, Lisa. We'll talk about it later. You said you understand! Taehyung and I, we are not dating!"

"Yet Jennie, not yet. But eventually you will. I can see it." I put my cold hands into my pocket. "To be fair, this is not because of Taehyung."

I whispered.

"Then what it is? I don't get it."

I was about to respond to her but a bell sound cut me off, signalling our ride finally ended and we stormed out of the ferris wheel.

I saw a crew took his hand out to help Jennie but she just shoved it off.

Poor guy.

"Look Lisa, you have to explain to me why! I refuse to break us."

I stopped and stared at her.

Jennie crossed her arms looking pretty impatient.

"Us? There's an us?" I asked bitterly. "I don't think whatever this is," I pointed at her and I "Is appropriate anymore."

She scoffed.

"And when was the time, it ever was appropriate?! We've been doing this for like what? For almost a year! And you're having second thoughts now? This is ridiculous! You're being ridiculous Lisa!"

She hissed.

Her voice keeps getting louder each time she speaks.

There's only few people here in the parking lot but they are turning heads on us, giving us a look.

"Stop making scenes Jennie, you know I don't like to fight with you. Why don't you just agree and stay friends with me? Why do you have to complicate things?"

"Me?! Complicating things? This was your idea Lisa! Don't put blame on me, and I don't want to be friends with you! I've never treated you as one!"

She yelled and I froze.


I thought we were somehow friends now!

That fucking sting!

"W-what?! Are you telling me that all this time you just used me?"

My heart shattered at the realization.

"For what? Your fucking needs?! Like a useless toy to play with when you're bored? Do I look like just fucking toy to you?!"

She groaned.

"Argh! Now you're making me the bad guy here! If I remind you, you were the one who offered. I didn't asked for it! Hell, I didn't even asked for this to happen!"

I chuckled bitterly.

"Un-fucking-believable Kim." I muttered.

I considered you a friend but I'm wrong.

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