Had an edible brownie in my glove compartment, let me tell you when I placed the bundle of chocolate and herb, it was strong, I could taste the Mary J and it was definitely my favorite thing to taste so early in the morning.

It's kind of gross but it tells you just how potent the brownie is.

Sitting in the AC of my car I realized just how much I needed some air freshener in here but you make do with what you have, I looked around and made sure the coast was clear even though I was at the very back of the parking lot again. Proceeded to take out a bag of weed and hold a bud in front of the AC, giggling while the smell was just circling in the car air.

Julian gave me a little something something for the little something something I gave him.

I look at the time and groan, putting everything away, turning off the car and grabbing my sunglasses before walking into the school. Drenching myself in perfume and chewing on gum to get rid of my bad breath. I kept my head down getting into class, a minute before the bell and got the last seat in the last row of chairs in the back, slouching down a lot I was trying to just hide.

This could go very wrong at any moment if I did the wrong thing, putting the hood over my head and pulling it to cover my eyes I laugh to myself as people look towards me.

Bitting on my hoodie string out of pure boredom.

Teacher came blah blah blah bell ring time for lunch and I was kind of looking forwards for lunch, right now food sounded amazing no matter how much it tasted like shit.

Pizza, got lucky today.

I sat alone... Until I wasn't alone.

"Are you going to talk to us?" Leslie asked "Did I do something wrong?"

I sigh putting the pizza down "No Les, I'm just trying to figure somethings out right now"

Leslie didn't know what but her head was rotating in a circular motion, either that or I was but I wasn't sure which one yet.

"So you aren't mad at me?" She asked and I shook my head no to answer her, watching as she smiled softly.

"There's the girl who ditched our shopping date" Daniella hummed sitting down, Margret sitting next to me "How have you been Bee?"

"I'm good" I say truly feeling that way in the moment "This pizza is only making my day better though"

They all looked at me weirdly, I rarely ate school food, only when they had Pastrami sandwiches because pastrami is just the best sandwich meat in my opinion, that was the only thing other than the pizza that I would eat.

"How you guys doing?" I ask and they all just smiled weirdly picking at the mixed fruit cups that came with today's lunch.

All of them responded with an okay, and they were all talkative people so now it was my turn to think about how weird they were acting. I kept my eyes on them, shoveling the fruits and just questioning everything as my friends acted oddly.

Leslie kept looking under the table and texting people, it was again weird that she was trying to hide it.

"You okay Les?" I ask

"Huh, oh yeah I'm fine, Vanessa was just asking me something" I hum and nod

"Whats Vanessa doing? She doesn't usually miss lunch, it's the only time she can sit, talk and not get in trouble"

Leslie sat there trying to look for the words to say, looking around at the group of friends who were nervously rushing her to answer. It was suspicious, and they didn't even want to tell me what they were hiding.

I scoff at that thought, I'm a hypocrite.

I just shrug it off and move to stand.

"Where are you going?" Margaret questioned getting up

"I got to go get something from my locker" I answer

"No!" Leslie shouted reaching out to me "Why don't you sit and talk about a shopping day, we miss doing that with you"

I stop in place as she tries to pull me back to the table, Margaret and Daniella looked just as uneasy as Leslie.

"Why can't I go to my locker" I glare at them

"Because we want to talk to you" Daniella smiled

I shook my head, whatever they were doing it included my locker, or just keeping me in the cafeteria. Yanking my hand back I ran out of the cafeteria, seeing them chase after me only made my suspicions deepen, running down halls in the direction of my locker with them running after me.

"BIANCA!" Margaret yelled "STOP IT, STAY"

That only pushed me to run faster, they were so hiding something from me and I was going to find out what. Opening my locker right up my bag was missing, my bag with a lot of things but most importantly, my keys weren't on the top shelf in front of the books I've never moved since school started back up. So again I started running, speeding my way down the school walls and towards the parking lot.

"BIANCA STOP RUNNING" Daniella screamed but I didn't stop

When I got outside I could see my car doors open, fear hit me like a brick to my face, moving that way I ran around to the car where I then found Vanessa sitting in the back of my car in the trunk. I was angry at her but I was scared too.

"Why?" she looked up at me tears falling from her eyes "Why did you go and hide it from us?"

She held up the little baggie with white 'powder' in it and I snatch it from her hands.

"You had no right to go through my stuff" I began to tear up, ripping my bag and keys from her hands when she moved to stand, slamming the door "You guys just couldn't leave it alone-"

"How are we supposed to leave that alone, your different and now I know why-"

"Stay. Out of it, leave it alone"

The corner of my eyes I could see the other three friends panting, stumbling out of the school but by the time everyone else was near I was getting into the car, and driving away.

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