- twenty nine

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The building was finally there, right in front of his eyes. Sungchan looked around and everyone seemed to be doing their stuff. Families were arguing after coming back from a road trip and kids were running around the parking lot.

He climbed up the stairs on the first block. It was tiring but he told himself to not stop, for Donghyuck.

His head was spinning fast and he felt like dropping to the floor right at the moment but he was running out of time and he wanted to look at Donghyuck's face.

That boy made him crazy these past few days, and he won't let him go that easily. He is not going to lose another person in his life. His health didn't matter anymore and he could only think about the older's absence.

It wasn't easy for him when the person he truly loves suddenly disappeared and the next time you finally get to connect with them, they are about to take their own life away.

Sungchan had always waited in front of his door in the living room, in hopes that someone would knock on the door, and that specific someone is no other than Donghyuck. He would die out of happiness if it came true, but that never happened.

He asked himself questions that made him panic. What if the boy didn't survive and what would Sungchan do after that? He was still in the process of healing from past events that brought trauma to him and he is not adding another one to the list.

His eyes lit up when he saw the door leading to the rooftop but the pain started striking his head. He was suddenly in his school uniform, standing right behind the door, sweating profusely. That day when he found out that Shotaro took his own life came back.

The memories were flickering in his head, and he started screaming in hopes that it would get out of him. His eyes were shut close tightly and his hands were roaming around his head. "Get the fuck out," he whispered to himself, hitting his head using his palms.

The moment he opened his eyes, he was back to wearing the dark blue windbreaker. He opened the door right away without thinking twice and there he was, the boy he longed to see.

Donghyuck was standing at the edge of the rooftop, admiring the night. He took another step further but before he could do anything else, Sungchan had pulled him down with no hesitation.

Donghyuck fell back but the younger boy caught him in time, making him land on his chest.

"No," he huffs out the word. Donghyuck got up and looked at his hands, watching as the rain makes contact with his palms. He moved his gaze towards the boy on the ground with shaking eyes, knowing that he failed his attempt.

"Why!" His hands were shaking out of terror and coldness. "I won't let you do it," Sungchan muttered. He coughed and got up from the floor, sitting in front of the hopeless boy. Sungchan held his hands and warmed them up with his.

"Please stay Donghyuck," his eyes were tearing up when he looked at the older. His hair was in a mess and his clothes were dirty. The heart-shaped lips that used to be smooth were now chapped. They were pale, and he was skinnier.

"Tell me why I should stay Sungchan! There is no reason left for me to be here. I'm a fucking burden!"

"For yourself Donghyuck. There's a lot of things waiting for you, I promise you everything is going to be fine," he smiles in hopes that the older would stop thinking about killing himself.

"Stop with all your bullshit. I've been here for the past 18 years and I'm still living miserably. You don't know shit I've been through and here you are telling me to stay when you don't even have any rights towards my own fucking life,"

"I know but please stay. Please don't lose that smile, I can't bear losing another person I love please," his heart still ached knowing that the older was living the life he didn't want. The boy hugged him tightly, crying on his shoulders hysterically.

Sungchan thought that what he had said didn't make sense and it wasn't much of help. But the sole reason why he wanted Donghyuck to stay was just that he's not ready to lose the person he longed to be with, his crush, the person that made hold on to life.

He was speechless, Donghyuck. He had never thought someone would ever think of him that way because it was always him who gave love. Though they met just a few months ago, Donghyuck got to experience a lot of emotions around him. He loved how Sungchan would teach him new things or when he would feel safe around him and only him.

Everything was new to him when Sungchan was around. Even under the pouring rain right at the moment, he was happy that Sungchan came to save him. He had been screaming for help ever since he came here to this building and no one came, but he did.

When he deleted his phone number and got a new one, Donghyuck memorized his number. Every day he would check his phone, expecting a message from the boy but it never came. Of course, it wouldn't, Sungchan didn't even have his new number. But he always stares at his phone, specifically the boy's number. He wanted to call him desperately but his heart said no.

That brought back the memory of when he was walking alone in an alleyway. Donghyuck heard him yelling his name in despair, his voice cracked when he screamed, but Donghyuck didn't want to turn around. He didn't want to see the face of the person he loved, because he knew that if he did, he would attach himself to the younger boy and never let go. He had to let him go and not let him deal with a messed up person like himself because he doesn't want Sungchan to turn up like him. Despite that, he was a coward for not facing him and ran away instead.

Sungchan pulled himself away from the hug and cupped Donghyuck's cheek. He moved away the wet hair from his face since it was covering his eyes and smiled from ear to ear, loving how the older was safe in his arms.

He was lost in them, his hazel eyes.

"I like you," Sungchan whispered under the moonlight. Donghyuck looked away from the boy, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the stare he was giving, but his heart was thumping loudly. Sungchan traced his lips with his thumb. "Look at me," he said with a raspy voice, tilting Donghyuck's head up with his fingers gently.

Donghyuck moved his gaze away from the floor to Sungchan's eyes. They were sparkling as if he had seen the most beautiful thing in the world. "Hey, it's me. You don't have to be afraid," Sungchan moved in closer and rested his forehead on his. After he said that, Donghyuck's breathing became softer. His body squirmed just a little as his muscles relax. There was something about that gaze of his he'll never find in another man as if at that moment their souls have made a bridge.

"Can I?"

"Yes," Donghyuck mumbled, slightly nodding his head.

Sungchan proceeded to close the gap between them and pressed their lips together. There was something so heavenly about kissing in the rain, a tender moment that just won't wait. It is that burst of love that is expressed, not caring if the water soaks through to chill the skin. It is a connection that shows the strength of the feeling, the mutual need.

His soft lips and feather-like skin along with the gentle kiss was everything Sungchan had been waiting for. He finally had it, his first kiss, and he loved every second of it. He kept on falling for the older male and each time was harder than the last. Every time the kiss gets deeper, he felt like his life was complete and bewitching.

That moment was comforting to him, he felt like he was protected from all danger in the world. Though he had always thought that it was better if he was gone, he took those words back. Maybe he did want to stay a little bit longer to enjoy life.

And that was when Sungchan knew that the older boy himself was the one who provided comfort to him.

'He is my home,' he thought.

and so did Donghyuck,

'This is home'

(a/n : my first book is about to end soon! I'm so happy that I'm able to finish a book. Thank u, all of you who are still reading this book, I wouldn't make it here if it weren't for you guys <3)

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