- eleven

120 9 5

School went by normally. I would walk past Shotaro's locker and go straight to class. It still saddens me that he is gone. That smile that would always lighten me up is now gone, forever. I didn't expect that day would come. I was speechless and my mind was blank.

I wished I had seen his plans so that I could stop him, but it was made silently.

I don't have tutor today, so there is no reason for me to talk to Donghyuck. After that text he sent me, I got a weird feeling. It made my hair stand on end but the bother got away overtime. I went to work as per usual and come back home after a 5-hour long shift.

It was good that I can finally have some rest since it felt like a restless month for me. I got a message from Donghyuck all of the sudden, it was an invitation to a school party, at Mark's house. Jaemin and Chenle had been spamming my message, telling me that it would be nice and fun especially if I'm there.

I did say I wanted to get some rest, but a party won't hurt, right?

[So, are you coming to the

[sure. but ive never been to a
party before so im not sure what
im suppose to wear]

[should i help u then]

[you would?]

[why not? its not like im doing
a bad thing (*'-')]


[im coming to your house then,
i have nothing to do anyway]

[arent you gonna change?]

[im already dressed up hihi

I heard a knock coming from the front door. Mom wasn't home so I had to go downstairs to get it. I gulped my saliva so hard when I saw Donghyuck since I've never seen him in such a clothing before.

He was wearing a silk red button up and black ripped jeans which hugged his legs perfectly. I know it isn't much, but the moment he raises up his hand, you can see his torso. "You're staring for quite some time now, I'll take that as a compliment though. Are you gonna let me in now?"

I coughed to make it less awkward and let him in. He smiles at my reaction and went upstairs with me following right behind him. The first thing he did was go through my closet, throwing out clothes here and there.

I sat on my bed and watch him mess up the closet I arranged just a few days ago. At this point, I couldn't care less if my wardrobe was a mess or not. 

"Wow I didn't know you're in love with clothes. There are so many to choose from, but try this," he throws a black t-shirt, an army green denim jacket and black jeans. "Its probably gonna get hot in there so you can take it off whenever you want too," he says.

"Go on, get changing," he pulls me out of my bed and sits on it. I took the clothing with me and brought it into the bathroom but Donghyuck stops me right when I'm in front of the door. "Change here, I'm not gonna wait for you to lock the door and open it back up," he said angrily, which I find cute.

"Don't be shy, I literally have the same body parts as you," he lays back down on my bed facing the wall, distracting himself with his phone. I put the clothes on my table and started changing myself, facing away from Donghyuck, starting with my pants and up to my clothes.

The moment I turned around, Donghyuck was already looking at me with a surprised face. His eyes were wide open, and his face was slightly red.
"You know Sungchan, you don't seem like the type to work out," he says.

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