- four

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The question I keep getting from my friends are 'why do you like him,' or 'what's your type' even though they have no idea who my crush is. There is no particular reason as to why I had started liking him. I just fell in love with his presence, and if I were to like him because of his looks, I would've dropped him by now cause I'll get bored of him.

They also told me that if I opened up a little bit more, maybe a lot of people will recognize me and see that I'm not bad myself. I don't want people to see me as someone who is hot or good-looking, I want to be recognize for anything but those and that is how I feel towards Donghyuck. I don't want people to see him as this guy who is very pretty or for his soft looks, I want them to see him as a whole person.

Lets just say that I don't have a type. If you caught my eye, than you're my type. Sometimes even if I said- Oh, I like someone with short, wavy hair with a button nose and heart-shaped lips- I might not date the person I just described. Maybe their personality turns me off.

I look at my dark-screened laptop with no light in my eyes. Its already 3am and I still haven't slept. I wanted to close my eyes and get some rest but it didn't work out. I rambled through my bathroom cabinet to find sleeping pills but they weren't there either. My phone started vibrating and I picked up the call.

"Hey," the male on the other line had said. The background noises were so loud I could barely hear him.

"Taeyong, is there anything you need?" I asked.

Taeyong and I used to be so close, but ever since that one incident which happened a few years back, we drifted apart. We blame each other for what had happened, but we soon realize that it is neither our fault. We just happen to blame each other because we couldn't accept the fate. And now, we are trying to fix everything back, but I believe it is not working out. We called each other only when we want to go to clubs and that was it.

"Club?" He answers me with a question.

"I'm not in the mood today, maybe next time?"

"Fuck you," he ends the phone call with a little mumbling after that. It sounded like he was drunk, so I didn't really take his words to heart.

I threw the phone on my bed and went downstairs to the kitchen to grab myself a cup of milk. I heard that drinking milk before going to bed helps you to sleep, at least I learned something from the internet. I took out the carton and pour it in a small cup.

I stood in front of the sink while facing outside. The street lights are flickering, and the houses are already dark, except for a few houses like my neighbour next door. I can see their kitchen from where I'm standing that I could probably recognize anyone in there.

Talking about my neighbour, I hardly ever see them in the kitchen. But thats when I saw something moving from the inside. The fridge is being open, and it was closed right after. My neighbour stood in front of their sink, facing me. At first I didn't really see their face but the more I look at them, the more they started to look like someone.

They put the cup down and look at the sink like its the most interesting thing they've ever seen. That's when I realize that the guy is someone I didn't expect it to be, Donghyuck. I drank my milk and went upstairs, soon plopping myself on the king-sized bed.

I opened my phone and texted a specific person, Donghyuck.

[are you still awake?]

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