- twenty two

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Donghyuck leads me through a small gate to an abandoned park. The yellow seesaw, red swings and dark blue slides were definitely old. The green monkey bars next to the slide was partly rusted and the grass itself is out grown on some parts of the park but the dandelions and daisies made it pretty.

"You know Sungchan, I stopped coming here for a while now but I promised myself to bring someone special here," he holds my hand and started swinging them back and forth slowly. Donghyuck considering me as someone special was already enough to make me feel like I shouldn't be here standing next to him.

"What are you thinking," he rests his head on the crook of my neck, still looking at the swings and slides that was about to lose its colours.

"I shouldn't be here, that is what I'm thinking," he lift up his head from my shoulders and glanced at me with sad eyes. He looks disappointed.


"You can't consider me as someone special Donghyuck. We've known each other for less than a year," I chuckled at him but he still had the same expression on which made me think that I might've said something wrong that could probably trigger him.

"I think I explained myself enough when I told you about my favourite song," he rolls his eyes and snuggled back into my neck. The line from his favorite song, 'But strangely he feels at home in this place', describes what he feels when I'm around. It did explain well, but I can't seem to accept the fact that this is what he really feels.

"Yea, you did," I whispered to myself. "But how did you know about this place though," I pulled him to sit down at the nearest bench just to talk to him comfortably.

"I'll tell you a story, but in return, you have to tell me why you hate skateboarding," he puts his legs up on the bench and rested his head on my lap. The glasses he wore lifted up a bit and Donghyuck took it off. Light rays from the sun hits his face, making them glow in utter beauty. He covers his eyes from the bright sun with one of his hands and placed his glasses on me with the other.

"Do you agree?" He smiles at me after seeing the glasses falling down to the tips of my nose, making it tilted to the side. He pushed it back up and proceeded to cross his arms, moving his head to a comfortable position.

"Sure," of course I would lose to someone I like. It doesn't matter how personal the question gets, I would still tell him everything. I don't let myself trust people easily, and I won't let Donghyuck gain my trust quickly even though I like him but my lips says otherwise, because it follows my heart and not my corrupted mind.

"Okay, mine isn't going to be long but you can ask me questions as I speak if you're curious about anything," he begins, closing his eyes shut. "I didn't exactly found out about this place. My grandma came across this park when she came to visit my family. She's an adventurous person, and very curious. When she was walking around town, the small gate caught her eye and that is when she found this beauty," he moves his arm in the air as if he was trying to catch something.

"Where is she now,"

"At her house. We drifted apart after she moved away, closer to my other cousins. My grandma is a woman with words," he grins when he saw a squirrel running away from a calico cat. "She told me to always keep this place a secret and come here when I feel like I'm out of this world. She even told me she did some magic to this place so that whenever I step foot in this area, the happiness that I lost will flow back into me,"

"Did it work though,"

"I mean, I don't think it works that way. But the moment I let my feelings out by screaming or crying in the middle of the night, the thoughts that scared me did go away. I didn't exactly get the happiness back but it reduced the emptiness in me slowly,"

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