- six

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My shift finally ended and I walked to the library which was 15 minutes away. Donghyuck told me to take my time and if I needed a rest the first thing after coming then he would gladly let me sleep comfortably on one of the bean bags in the library. I didn't want to cause him trouble since the teacher would always check up on him to see my improvement.

I took out the chemistry test I've gotten the other day and held it hesitantly. Donghyuck noticed how I was acting so he took the paper away from me and looked at my mark. I covered my face in embarrassment, looking away from him.

"Why are you so shy?" He raises one of his eyebrows and giggled. Donghyuck placed a chemistry book in front of me that he found in the library. It seems like he comes to this library occasionally cause of how familiar he is with the racks and books. Apart from that, the librarian even greeted him using his name.

"Lets start from the top. You need to fully understand the basic to be able to answer these questions. Here, try doing this question," he flips the pages to find the question but he looks confused the more he looks at the book.

"This book is whack," he mumbled to himself but loud enough for me to hear. "Is there something wrong with the book?" I asked him, still wondering why there is still no question given.

"Lets use this book instead," he puts the thick book aside and took out a smaller book from his bag. He flips through the book and his face lightens up when he found what he wanted.

"There, found it! Here answer this," he gave me the book and pointed to one of the questions. For the first time in forever, I was finally paying attention to the question and read it carefully.

I tried thinking logically with all the knowledge I have about chemistry. It might not be much but one thing I know about chemistry is that all the theories are connected to one another. It begins from the tiniest thing, which connects each other with a bond, and soon becomes something big.

The question gave me infos about elements and ions. At first I didn't really understand and I tried remembering what the teacher had thought every single day because she doesn't want us to forget the basic.

"Can you do it?" I turned my gaze to the boy in front of me. He was wearing glasses and his hair falls right above his doe eyes. His lips were a little chapped while his eyes are red because of the tiredness. He rests his face on his palm and picks up a black pen with the other hand.

"Sungchan?" His voice pulled me out of my fantasy as I realized that I had been staring at him for a minute. "Are you okay? You look tired as hell," He puts the pen down and place his hand on my cheeks firmly. He traces my eye-bag with his thumbs and blows his cheek.

"I think its better if you go home now," he backs up and leaned against the white chair. I didn't want to go home yet since we barely even started. I was tired of getting bad grades and this is the only way to stop me from getting those. Going home would only make me procrastinate and unmotivated which I hate, the atmosphere drains me out and its tiring.

"But we just started,"

"You've been dissociating a lot and it worries me. Just pack up your stuff, go home, and sleep," he says. I was too lazy to stop him from packing since I hate arguing. I dislike when things don't go my way but I don't want Donghyuck to see that side of me so I just followed whatever he wanted to do.

Both of us packed up our stuff, ready to go home. It's convenient that Donghyuck lives next door so we went back together. Sometimes its hard for me to believe that I'm talking to Donghyuck. I'm glad the teacher chose Donghyuck out of all people. People call this fate because apparently the person I like suddenly walks into my life, as if he's apart of it.

But in my case, I think I'll stick with coincidence. He is way out of my league and calling it a fate is too good to be true.

When I reached my house, I bid him a goodbye. I could see the expression on his face changing in a split second. I stood in front of my porch, watching him enter his house. He didn't seem enthusiastic to finally be home. If I got to rest, I would say my face would be joyful, but that word couldn't be seen on his face. He looks gloomy, as if he didn't want to be there.

But who am I to judge a person I'm not. It could be his everyday face. As soon as he entered his house, I entered mine as well. I went straight into my room without getting a snack or even a sip of orange juice like I would always do. I threw the bag on my table and jumped on my bed.

"Shit!" I yelped when my head hits the headboard. I buried myself into the pillows comfortably and took my socks out, dropping them to the floor.

I was trying to get some sleep but the scenario from the library came back into my mind. I was too tired to react to Donghyuck's touch but now that I'm alone and I'm comfortable in my bed, I could feel my face heat up. It didn't feel real at the moment so I pinched myself hard, digging my nails into my skin.

It feels painful that it made me tear up. I stop pinching myself and slump my hand on the bed. Out of the blue, my head started spinning. I shut my eyes tightly to make it go away but as soon as I opened it, it worsens.

"This is what you get for sleeping late everyday," I whispered to myself and punched my legs a few times but it came to an end when my phone buzzes.

[have you washed up and eat dinner?
or maybe even get the rest you
need? (*'-')]

[im lying down, my head hurts like

[drink a lot of water, you might have
inadequate hydration. also get enough
sleep. i can tell that you sleep late every

[how many hours do u sleep everyday

[i sleep at 5 and school starts at 8
so three hours?]

[Sungchan dear do you want me to
teach you math as well? you wake
up around 7]

[oh shit i meant 2 hehe]

[clearly the reason why you have a
headache. Drink a lot of water and
go to sleep]

[okay okay I will]

[if you can't sleep, trying listening
to the sound of rain with earphones
on. it helps me everytime]

[but my battery is about to die]

[wtv goodnight baby deerヽ('▽`)/]

[goodnight 😴✨]

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