Bonus chapter 03 : My little Koki

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« How was dinner ? Did you like it, my little Koki ?»

« Yup, it was excellent, thanks mom !» I can hear my beloved's voice from downstairs...

He just finished eating his dinner, he's gonna walk back upstairs... I'll finally be able to admire him...

*tap ! tap ! tap !*

Ah there they are... his footsteps in the creaking stairs... he's getting closer...


« Waaaah... oh it feels good to finally eat... okay ! Time to rewrite my homework... yay...» he yawned and growled a bit before convincing himself to get to work and to rewrite his homework.

Yep, "rewrite". He had already done it, being the serious student he is but his bullies, Kaito Momota and Gonta Gokuhara, destroyed it. This morning, Kokichi didn't have the money those assholes have been asking to him since his mother forgot to withdraw some cash and he hid the little money he had to buy something to eat during lunch time. So, as a revenge, those assholes threw his school bag into a large puddle, destroying his belongings. He even got scolded at by his teacher, Mrs Kitari.

So here he is, rewriting his work because of Kaito and Gonta all while grumbling about them...

« Pffff... if only I could defend myself against them... why does Momota's father have to give such big donations to the school to erase his faults ? I'm sick of being so weak and dumb...»

Oooh Kokichi ! My little Koki (yeah, I stole that nickname from his mother, this is as adorable as him ! I love it !) ! Don't say that, my sweetheart ! You're not dumb ! You're not worthless ! You're perfect ! The world is just too stupid to realize how much you're worthy... but I do know that you're absolutely perfect, my adorable little Koki...

It's been exactly three years, two months and eleven days ever since we've met each other in that train... I've never been this happy to learn that a train line was in works and that I had to use another line...

I started following him little by little everywhere he went. At first, this was only when I had some time to do it ; now I'm creating plenty of times just for him. I followed him in everything he was doing, watching him from afar, him admiring the shops' showcases, getting bullied, buying groceries for his parents...

I always wanted more... so one day, I got into his bedroom through the window his mother had left slightly opened and I searched into his drawers, his closet... I sniffed his blanket and his clothes to get a good grasp of his smell... his whole bedroom is perfurmed with his smell... aaah~...

Time went by and I got used to going through this window and hiding under his bed, using the bed's sheets to hide me so that I could watch him sleep... and give him a good night kiss...

What a joke... I know absolutely everything about him, I love him more than anything else in the world... but he probably doesn't even remember our short encounters in the train... he probably doesn't even know I exist...

He isn't even aware of his biggest fan's existence... of the one and only person in this entire world who truly loves him...

Ah... ah~... I'm becoming excited... I wish I could jump out of my hiding spot, out of from under his bed to go admire his face from closer...

I want more of him... I'm already doing a lot and spending a lot of time with him but it's never enough... I can never get enough... I'm starting to get sick never getting enough...

I can't talk to him or touch him... I must stay hidden and act very discreetly to make sure I don't get caught... I'm starting to get sick of it now...

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