Chapter 24 : Escape

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I'm taking some advance with this chapter because it's the 5th of June when I'm writing these lines and I've already translated half of the chapter while the french version is not even out yet ! (and ofc, the part that's left is the most complicated one... god damnit...)

(Edit from the author who just finished translating : yeah, I confirm this was the most complicated :"-))

But I'm still glad because chapter 23 has been published two days ago and everyone seemed shocked of the final revelation ! FINALLY !! Eevee-chan managed to make a plot-twist nobody guessed in advance !! Mark that day !! XD

And since the chapters are getting more and more triggering, as for the sensitive readers, here's a little summary :

To put it short, Kokichi has a nightmare in which he is cold, hurt and alone. When he wakes up, Shuichi reassures him and makes him understand that he won't ever be cold, hurt or alone ever again thanks to him being by his side. Kokichi falls back asleep, reassured, in his arms.

Shuichi wants to... hum... have some fun with Kokichi but he refuses, still embarassed and tired. Shuichi slaps him and reminds him of his promise to do anything for Shuichi to thank him for everything he's done for him. Kokichi starts regretting and Mr voice advices him to get naked and to allow Shuichi to do anything he wants to his body. He even manages to go all the way through one of his previous punishments he had failed at to apologize to Shuichi.

The next day, Shuichi wakes up and gets ready to go to school and... hum... at this moment, I felt like I was writing an essay called "basically how much author-chan put thought into her fic" lol XD

Because every single action of Shuichi from the very beginning of the fic had only one purpose : make Kokichi develop Stockholm's syndrom

(He used paranoïa, manipulation, ultimate despair, and so on. Detailing everything would take too much time but just know that I thought of every main dialog of Shuichi and every main events of the story. Including the time when Kokichi met Nako and Cherry and became friends with them and that one time when he got sick and Shuichi came back to take care of him)

Anyway, so Shuichi explains his whole plan in a form of a tutorial to the reader, plan which is completed since Kokichi even goes as far as begging Shuichi to stay with him instead of going to school.

When Shuichi leaves, Kokichi wakes up and throws up before revealing he has never ever once developed Stockholm's syndrom.

(yeah, for clarification, he didn't hear Shuichi talking about the syndrom and understood what was going on with him. He never once had the syndrom and was only pretending all along. :-))


I can't believe I've done this.

I can't believe what I've done. I can't believe I've imagined such a crazy plan to get out of here. And I certainly can't believe it worked. Much less on Shuichi !

I just can't believe it... the syndrom... the famous Stockholm's syndrom.

This cliché scenaristic plot scattered in all the bad yandere/stalker fanfictions where the victim gets such a huge psychologic shock or lives through such a traumatic event that their brain starts glitching and makes them fall in love with the one endanging them.

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